I am glad I've stumbled onto this forum site as there seems to be a wealth of info here. Apologies in advance if this has been posted before but I could not find any answers in the search here or google.
Last year I did the unimaginable (to my friends, relatives and most sane people I've run into) and rode my 1982 GS300L to Winnipeg from Vancouver; a fantastic 2200 km ride (1375 miles to the unmetric) over 3 days.
Suzi kept up relatively well blowing a fork seal and stretching her chain along the way (that's what that clanking sound was!) but called it quits in Winnipeg a 100 km shy of our destination due to some electrical failure. So there she remains for the time being almost forgotten until I stumbled onto a local craigslist posting for a 1980 GS450:
So my question is how different are the electrics on my bike vs this GS450? If modifications are required, what would I be getting myself into?
A thought that creeps into my mind is swapping the motor and everything into my 300 frame. A call to my local shop says it's not possible or worth it but I thought I'd post it here just in case anyone has experience with this.
I see someone else was considering the same swap here but hasn't followed up
Thanks in advance for any help!