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Jenisse 1981 Suzkui GS550

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    Jenisse 1981 Suzkui GS550

    Modification to my bike have been seldom so far removing parts such as the luggage rack and sissy bar to give the motorcycle a better smoother look.
    After which the seat and suspension system is still a little high for my taste. I decided I would want a simplfied chopper look overall.
    Although the bike is over thirty years old, it has been pretty well matinanioede with minmual damage.
    This is the extent of th e damage done, small minor rust marks( right side clutch case)

    Rust in enalbiable, but there isnt much this is the deepest rust.

    I really enjoy the "star" like design on the bike it gives it a very cool "retro" look. But the overall design looks kinda " new school"

    Another major issue I found with older bikes was dents in the gas tank, and shown in the picture no dents!

    After a small accident I broke one of the turn signals.

    On the other hand the the right side is in good shape but overall I don't like either one.
    I added a new seat to give it that chopper.


      So with the holiday’s right around the corner I haven’t had much time to seat down and try to think of things to write. But here is the latest batch of updated. Hopefully soon I will be completely converted to video blogging (or vloggin) and might only do updated to minor errors or further explain.
      So far the bike has pretty much been put on hold, so far there isn’t much I can do with the weather getting colder and also losing my only key. I have spent some days looking for it, and in my despair, have come up empty. Now the good news is that A. I can hard wire a switch to eliminate the need for the key, problem is that the key also controls the gas tank cap and helmet lock. So in the end I am going to be forced to get the key. After finding the key though I will run the bike with some carb. cleaner top off the gas and finally put the beast in its home for the winter. Over the winter however I plan on stacking some parts to the side so the first warmer weekend of the new season I can throw everything or most new parts and ideas on. This, I hope, will eliminate unnecessary down time for the bike and also keeping me from doing unnecessary amounts of work. For example taking the whole bike apart to re-do or install and new part to find out the new parts I ordered after have to be placed in there too. Some new advances I have made are going to be sutle I found that I need about 400$, plus what ever the paint job costs, to finish the bike at 100% and be finally done with something to be proud about. Most of the work is cosmetic so there wont be much money but time spent.
      New ideas and old ideas have clashed against time, money and reality. I wanted to give my motorcycle an old school chopper look without comprising too much from stock and have a “kid” bike as well. What I mean by this is the sleek mean chopper look with neon light speakers all the gizmos and gadgets that my generation is into. But overall the bike is being made to be an ever day rider and trip bike, and the cheap parts will help keep this going for a long time. Some of the new plans that I have come crossed and thought of are as followed.
      I was inspired by “The Transporter” series of movies, with the high tech looking vehicle the main charter drove, mostly the keypad start. Simple in theory I was brain storming ways to get that technology the shrink down to a motorcycle. The problem is that there is no room for the wring and creating a new module for a bike whose wiring is old school and at the basics. So in the end that idea was scrapped for a new project. The first upgrades that will be going on the bike is converting all the lights to LED and wiring in green LED light under the bike fender and engine. The ground effects are going to be wired from the break light to a flip switch that is going to be mounted under neath or behind the seat, with the iginition switch/key. I am hoping with the LED being low in power consumption, that any additional componets added will still be undervolting the original design. Also moving the switch and key to the under seat location if hopefully going to make the overall bike a sleeker look while giving me the easy of opting in or out of turing on ground effects. Also with very little work I could toggle the switch while either riding or stoped at a light. Next step is going to be to install the new chopper-style seat I have. I plan on removing the break light/turn signal fixture off the back fender and doing a “typical” side bracket designed break light. Then I am going to cut back the fender slightly to give a “chopped” look, since more tire will be exposed.
      That is the extent of the hard work the rest will consist of getting new progressive shocks to give the slanted look, cleaning up the rust that has built up on the engine and micellanous places. For the seasons after next I will have the entire bike re-painted, while that is being done I want to get new “ape” style handle bars to finish off the chopper style.


        The next major changes aren't gonna be so easy I gotta bring it up to matience clean oil filter a then reseal the gas tanks and install led lights


          Not seeing the pics.









                  Okay so the next couple of months are our “off season” due to the cold and soon to be snow. So while this is going on I am stacking money to the side and parts to get ready for the new season. My goal is that ever weekend I will have some little project to do, so Saturday would be installations and Sunday will be test driving and making sure everything works properly. So here is just a list of goals to accomplish over the next couple of months. I will add pictures later when I am in front of the computer. Please give me any ideas I am not a mechanic, I am a DIY type of guy I love to learn and any insight is well appreciated good or bad. Just keep in mind I am a punk 21 year old KID.

                  First step is going to be cleaning the bike up from carbon build up and rust from the last owner neglect and some of my own. Then I might need to invest into some professional assistance with the clutch or cables. I have had trouble shifting because of the slack in the grip (I’m told the cable is the couprate but I am not sure) .When I release the clutch there is no engagement till it’s almost completely released. Next is finishing mocking and installing the seat into the frame I have to creating custom brackets with wing nuts so that I can utilize the “trunk’ by the battery, The bracket are going to attach under the gas tank bolts and into the frame, after I drill the holes. Replace oil, oil filter, and air filter and add some carb cleaner cocktail to gas to help clean anything that has built up, hopefully that will save me some money if not carb rebuild is impossible to avoid. Replacing the entire lighting to LED’s, for the efficiency, and quicker response, also the LED light I have chose continues with my “style of the bike” while keeping the budge low and matins is low since a new turn signal is 20$ and lads are 10$ for the kit and .99$ for a single LED bulb. Finish mocking and installing ground effects to the brake light. I am going to run a line from the new brake light to a switch under the gas tank that will control the LED ground effects. I am not sure that they are illegal and don’t really care to be honest. Lastly for the deffinty projects are new progression shocks and sag the back, to give that curved angled look.

                  I am still thinking about moving the ignition key to under the gas tank just to give the overall bike a cleaner look also keeping the “chopper style” theme. I am unable to find the correct name for these, but I want to install the chrome or silver mesh tubes that act like a wire tie, they keep a clean finish to the bike since there are only two silver wires instead of four. I am still trying to create a cool green theme for my bike. I have grown fond of the green color, even over blue, and my ground effects are even green. I am thinking green and black just to keep some contrast, most likely I am just going to paint the rims gas tank and fenders black and use some green accents. After installing the new lights I want to cut back the back fender to give a more reviling of the tire. And Lastly Ape style handle bars, after all the easy stuff is done I would like to upgrade to ape style handle bars.

                  Please give any feed back where to find products or if you have done anything similar to what I want to do and have pictures I would love to see them.


                    If your clutch cable is old, it would do with a replacement, but one area that people forget to check is where the pivot bolt attaches the cluch lever to the bracket, they get dirt and dust in there that turns to grinding paste over time and wears out the hole in the lever to an oval shape.
                    All the cables in the world won't help if this is the case, pull it off and check it for play and slop, chances are that it is worn.
                    New levers are cheap enough on Ebay, about $10 each.
                    They also tend to wear away in thickness, so undo the cable, check for play around the pivot bolt and also grab the lever by the end and move it up and down, chances are you find lots of play there as well.
                    A new lever and cable and your clutch will be so light you will hardly feel it.


                      Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
                      If your clutch cable is old, it would do with a replacement, but one area that people forget to check is where the pivot bolt attaches the cluch lever to the bracket, they get dirt and dust in there that turns to grinding paste over time and wears out the hole in the lever to an oval shape.
                      All the cables in the world won't help if this is the case, pull it off and check it for play and slop, chances are that it is worn.
                      New levers are cheap enough on Ebay, about $10 each.
                      They also tend to wear away in thickness, so undo the cable, check for play around the pivot bolt and also grab the lever by the end and move it up and down, chances are you find lots of play there as well.
                      A new lever and cable and your clutch will be so light you will hardly feel it.
                      Sometimes I go a little farther, and put shims in between the lever and perch, so there is no play. Home made bushings stuck into the pivot hole help the silky smooth lever action, too. Grease it all up, now it feels like a Magura lever on a BMW clutch. And the most important part, make sure the cable end is free to rotate in the lever, if it can't rotate the cable has to bend every time the lever is pulled. If that is the case even a new cable will break very quickly.

                      Life is too short to ride an L.


                        Yeah I'll have to check that out because there is no play at all. I and I'm so use to something like a car where as you let go of the clutch the transmission engages. Since its so far out I end up almost popping the clutch and it's very dangerous and annoys me



                          Well here is the updates for my bike even as a newbie i feel bad trying to keep up with this web site and trying to sound at least some what educated. But anyway here goes nothing..

                          I have spent most of my time and money trying to get this baby up and running 100% and looking good at it too. I bought some Turtle Wax Chrome Rust Remover and Polish which did wonders for the little bit of chome I have ( i.e. fenders, nuts, covers.) I got and installed Progressive 412 style shocks. Thus far i have deffnitly enjoyed they new look. The only problem I had, which was my own fault for rushing, was i cross threaded the mounting bolt to the right shock. Next was to start to get the wires cleaned up a bit. Not planning of redoing them but just condence them and make them look pretty. So I removed the gas tank to find the nastly mold and grim ever. Now I have to clean all that up so that i continue on my primeary goal which is to finish a tune up by cleaning and oiling the air filter then since i have the gas tank off cleaning and syncing the carburators and getting all the rust out of the gas tank and sealing it, possibly paint and decaling since its already off. Then comes the younging stuff, I want to finish mounting the green ground effects and the radio. Also create the fiberglass seat pan and have it upholstered. After the gas tank is done I am replacing all rubber lines with clear ones and installing a inline fuel filter.

                          The next steps have been listed but in what order I am not sure, I want to remove the front headlight and turn signals and convert to a single headlight, then remove the cluster of gauges to a single MPH gauge with idoit lights from Mike XS most likely and remove and mount the ignition by the horn. Then I want a louder exhust and eventurally 2x 2-1 Carburators just to give it the mean look and not have to sync 4 carburators or rebuild 4. I am stil la spazz when it comes to carbs so the less i have the better. I think I want to lose some chrome as well, probally the fienders just to have move paint and less chrome also give me less problesm with rush. After all this I think I am getting a new engine and start rebuilding it and such. Any other ideas would be great I am going for a younging inspired chopper bobber style, yes I know that is two different styles but i like the low hard look of a chopper and simplicity of a bobber

                          I have also debated on changing my girls name, I named her after my first love but I think Dame is better just because this bike takes more money and time then the woman I dated, also the name of my ex always on my bike might not be such a good idea from the start. I have posted most of the pictures on Google ( link below) just to have a organized list of pictures but I posted some important ones just to be convenient.

                          ( 412 Shock left side installed)

                          (Nasty Grime found under gas tank)

                          (full view after gas tank removal)

                          (Exhaust after about 45 minutes of Turtle and elbow grease)

                          ( slight over view of bike with no tank)

