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1982 gs750e project
I've got a can of Kleen-Flow 650 here to dip those carbs in if you'd like like.Get a set of O rings from Mr. Barr and a set of SS allens for the carbs(if you want to go that way)and we can have a "carb party".Have a good impact driver to,just in case we get a stubborn screw.Last edited by Guest; 02-04-2012, 07:31 AM.
Originally posted by Cdnpt1 View PostWe should start an 82 750 social group, but your bike has to cost less than 150 to get in , here is mine for $110.
I will be watching, looks we are at the same stage, just pulled the front master off mine, caliper rebuild next, then on to the carbs...
Can I join the group? I paid $150, but mine's a GS750T
Starting a socal group is quite easy.I did it for the 83-86 750/700.If I can do it.......................
Pick up the pace lad. We're waiting (foot tapping)
Some of the guys make it look so easy the way they whip through things they're creating a sense of instant gratification for all us voyeurs. we want more and we want it nowwwwwwwww!
Seriously nice score and I'm glad to hear you're going stock and not taking the buzz saw to her.
This will be interesting for me at least.
Good luck and do take your time, I've got a few years left.......I hope
Originally posted by spyug View PostPick up the pace lad. We're waiting (foot tapping)
Some of the guys make it look so easy the way they whip through things they're creating a sense of instant gratification for all us voyeurs. we want more and we want it nowwwwwwwww!
Seriously nice score and I'm glad to hear you're going stock and not taking the buzz saw to her.
This will be interesting for me at least.
Good luck and do take your time, I've got a few years left.......I hope
Yeah I know, today I bought carb dip. Kleen Flo $63.00 for a gallon!!! Plan to get the carbs off tomorrow.
CheersNo signature :(
Is your garage attached to the house?If it is DO NOT USE THE KLEEN FLO IN THERE.You will be sorry if you do.Foul is a kind descripition of the smell.
Originally posted by SVSooke View PostIs your garage attached to the house?If it is DO NOT USE THE KLEEN FLO IN THERE.You will be sorry if you do.Foul is a kind descripition of the smell.No signature :(
Well a little more work done today. Got the air box out. Then got the carbs and boots out. As you guys know I am a total rookie at this stuff, not really mechanically inclined.So this was weirdly satisfying for me. Thanks for the tips. So in the next couple of days I will take them apart and dip them in my Kleen-Flo carb cleaner. I am trying to be as organised as possiable, keeping work area clean, putting tools away and having containers labeled with parts and from where. So lets see if I can pull this restoration off. Please continue with your tips and encouragement. Thanks again guys.
TrevorNo signature :(
Best way to post pics here or aother sites is to use a hosting site.I use Photobuckcet but there are others.From BassCliff site http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...d.php?t=184524 Some of the info is old as Frank has upped the pic count to 10.This works over at BCCMC to.Cuts down server space needed.
Nice to see you getting down to it Trev, following with interest, don't you worry so much, i have no doubt you will do an awesome job of it, hell, If I can do a passable job, anyone can. Keep the updates coming.