I had hoped/thought to fix a few minor items and be on the road by spring. While that is still the goal, the minor has increased a tad and the associated costs have spun out a bit.
Anyway, away we go.
How it showed up, minus a few pieces.

Most of the idea behind getting this bike was to avoid yet another restoration. While she will be done over at some future date for now it will go down to frame and engine as a unit and go from there. If the engine comes out, I will want to open it up and it will be a total resto. So I'll try this in hopes of getting her on the road in April or so.
About three pounds of road tar and grease were removed from the rear fender assembly. No need to break it down further so all's good.

The master cylinder looked like it was brought up with parts of the Titanic so it had to come apart and get the ultrasonic bath. It functioned fine prior to disassembly and works good after reassembly.

Nearly all the bolts save a few are done in the darkish green protectant rather than chrome or zinc or anodized. What is the best solution to bring some life back into them? Last resort would seem to polish them then paint them, but is there any product that can bring them back somewhat? I don't want to remove the covering if not necessary.
Anyway its here and has begun. See what April brings.