So today I managed to get this done despite all the chores the boss threw at me:

I'd forgotten how difficult it is to get on the lift with the underslung Yosh pipe. Some shimming of the frame rails was necessary but it gets the job done.
I recharged the spare battery overnight but its going to need replacing as there is no "oomph" and she barely turns over. I have the deep cycle marine battery on charge now so likely I'll try and shock it to life tomorrow with that hooked on.
Once its running again I think the plan will be to give it a quick trial run starting off in second and see if she will upshift from there. I suspect this won't get me very far, however, and I anticipate having to delve in to the tranny anyway.
I do feel good that I got this done and I even managed to get in a couple of hours on the 750 as well and all this after a shade too many Guiness yesterday. Its been a good weekend and its not over yet as the Missus is whipping up a brisket of corned beef (cooked in more Guiness) and served with the ubiquitous cabbage and 'taters.

A belated "Erin go bragh!" to all my Irish brethren.
And Slainte! too.