After I got it home, I cleaned it up and was really quite surprised at how much nicer it appeared.

I then thought maybe I would try to get it running. The old battery was showing 5V and would not take a charge. That's when I noticed that it was bone dry. I filled the cells with acid and tossed it on my automatic charger. I noticed it was then taking a charge, but was not convinced that this battery would actually hold a charge. Afterall, the PO told me it was bad.
Patiently waiting for the battery and deciding to wait for the battery before I try starting it, I keep loking at those buckhorn handlebars and they're driving me nuts. I hate them (no offense). So I decide to swap them out with some flat bars that I have laying around. I always tell myself, NEVER to do this. Don't start making changes or improvements to a bike until AFTER you've got it running. It's putting the cart before the horse, and it's bad luck. Hehe.... but I do it anyway, and I'm amazed at the difference.
So this morning I check the battery.

It's looking good. I slip it into the bike and hook everything up. I opened up the airbox and cleaned it out. The filter is on the verge of falling apart. The bike cranks over but has trouble starting. That's when I noticed that the choke is upside down, based on what I'm used to seeing on my GS750. So I push the choke lever down rather than up, and it fires. Running, but not running quite right. After a fair amount of tinkering, I've managed to get it to idle well, but twisting the throttle causes it to die. Both have good spark. I think (think) the right side is starved of fuel. Despite being told by the previous owner that these carbs were rebuilt (how long ago, I don't know), I think the main jet may be clogged on the right carb. Well, that's my hunch anyway.
So, it's running... but not running right.

I need to get it running right. If so, I just can't see parting this bike out.