The bike, as well as the rider, suffered some damage.
As soon as the thumb starts co-operating again, I am going to start fixing up the Green Skunk, but since this will take some time, I have the opportunity to think things over. I am not completely convinced I will put her back to the same condition she was.
First of all, I am going to go in pretty deep, and sort out carbs, valves, air flow, brakes, electrics - all the general maintenance stuff will be taken care of.
Next, I will take off all the black bits, and EITHER polish them OR repaint them black. This in-betweeny stuff is less than appealing - like a teenage girl's two weeks old nail polish... I have time to think, and will decide before I disassemble. Maybe I'll go for a black engine, maybe not...
Next: tyres, and (if I can afford it) suspension.
Then it's time to think about appearance.
My seat cover got a hole, so I will have to look for a replacement. I have a vision in my mind for a seat, and might make it myself. The thing I'm really uncertain of is the tail. I am not a huge fan of the GS tail, but I am also not really into the café style tail. Can you guys show me some examples of custom tail ends with more visible fenders, cool looking lights and so on, but without taking a hack saw to it? I'd like to see some successful mods before comitting to a design that won't work...

I like the bars I have on it, so new grips and mirrors are all I need.
Head light. Any cool alternatives to the original? I like the one I had, but I'm open for variations. No hyper modern LED stuff, though. I love the single, big, round headlight.
Instruments. Any good suggestions for some more unobtrusive ones?
Blinkers. Smaller and again more unobtrusive ones. Suggestions?
I haven't yet decided whether to keep the green or not, but that decision will be mine and mine alone. I have grown to like it (a lot), but it's not a GREAT paint job and is already cracking in spots.
And that leaves the tank. Which needs some TLC. Ideas on how to fix small and medium dents and rust spots without ruining the original paint? Or is that a silly thought? There are enough dents and scuffs to start thinking of a total restore job...
Any thought is welcome; like I said I have not made any decisions yet.
Current state:
