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'85 GS700e restoration

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    Originally posted by SVSooke View Post
    Under give it a try.If you don't like it chose another brand till you find one you do.Friends in Aus have had good luck with Yamalube carb cleaner from the Yamaha dealers.Yamaha Canada doesn't stock it of course but they might over there. I find one I could get here that works but stinks REALLY bad.


      Originally posted by soundsource View Post
      No there's a dip you ad water to.Spray you will need after the dip though so you are 1/2 way there.


        I think I have an extra set of valve cover bolts. I'll see and if I have them I can pop however many you need in the mail.


          Originally posted by SVSooke View Post
          No there's a dip you ad water to.Spray you will need after the dip though so you are 1/2 way there.
          Whoops! Well half way is better than nothing... this is as close as I've got so far:


            Originally posted by Billy Ricks View Post
            I think I have an extra set of valve cover bolts. I'll see and if I have them I can pop however many you need in the mail.
            Billy that would be amazing! I reckon I'd need at least 3 to pass but a full set would be perfect! Do let me know if you manage to dig them out... Thanks!


              Originally posted by soundsource View Post
              Billy that would be amazing! I reckon I'd need at least 3 to pass but a full set would be perfect! Do let me know if you manage to dig them out... Thanks!
              I'll see what I have. I bought a used head and I think they were with it.


                Originally posted by Billy Ricks View Post
                I'll see what I have. I bought a used head and I think they were with it.
                If you do find them just PM a price and shipping cost. Many thanks Billy.


                  Originally posted by GateKeeper View Post
                  sorry I added more to my previous post, ......
                  GateKeeper that's an idea I'd never thought of - was going to keep it stock and polished. And then I saw this!

                  Not my bike I know but the black, red, cream and chrome sure does look tasty!


                    keep on looking, and keep on searching, you will many ideas, and then one day, it will just all fall into place, and the bike will be exactly on how you want it to be....

                    it will be your own....

                    mine was going to be with all red accents at first, then it turned to black, satin finish on the aluminum then it went to a polished look, then it was a mixture, and so on....

                    you will see, it will take shape, just keep at it, take your time, and if you get stuck, step back for a day or 2 and then go back at it, use that for mechanical issues, or even on how you want it to look....

                    enjoy the ride....




                      Originally posted by GateKeeper View Post
                      sorry I added more to my previous post, ......
                      Originally posted by GateKeeper View Post
                      keep on looking, and keep on searching, you will many ideas, and then one day, it will just all fall into place, and the bike will be exactly on how you want it to be....

                      it will be your own....

                      mine was going to be with all red accents at first, then it turned to black, satin finish on the aluminum then it went to a polished look, then it was a mixture, and so on....

                      you will see, it will take shape, just keep at it, take your time, and if you get stuck, step back for a day or 2 and then go back at it, use that for mechanical issues, or even on how you want it to look....

                      enjoy the ride....


                      GateKeeper you are definitely one of the most romantic bikers I've met so far! Love your description of how the process unfolds... Well after today I'll be forced to take a step back for a couple of days. Three days work out of town - I was looking forward to it but now can't wait to get the last bits off the frame! Oh well, like you said, keep at it, take your time...


                        Striptease Day III

                        Well, after fluffy American-style pancakes this morning made by a Californian friend who is staying for a few days, I was ready to take on the world.

                        Here's where the day started:

                        And, after a relaxed but consistent day's work, we ended up with this:

                        Along the way I managed to strip the rear end nearly completely save just the swing arm and suspension, release the wiring loom from its captivity, coils, pegs, console and fork cover and a whole lot in between...


                          The bad bits:

                          In the process of removing the rear brake assembly, after having bled the system I was suddenly very pleased that I hadn't tried to use the back brake at all since having the bike. Here's why:

                          Just the bare piston on show! Well that's the first major blow I've had yet. I don't know whether I can salvage the caliper and just buy pads and shims separately or whether I'm going to have to bite the bullet and shell out for a whole new assembly.

                          Next up, on removing the crash bars I discovered this:

                          And with the bolt and washer removed:

                          Hmmm, thats' a bit fishy, wrong sized bolt and a washer that doesn't seem to belong... And what's that spacer thingy doing there? Hope that's not the bell of impending doom ringing again for me? Seems like it was:

                          Damn crash bar's broken! You couldn't tell just by looking at it because this piece of the bar is held onto the frame by a special clip that goes through those two holes you can see. You can't win them all it seems! Maybe a spot of weld would do the trick? What do you think?

                          Anyway, that's the bad bits over for now, I'll finish with something that took me a few minutes to find, just couldn't work it out:

                          Yes, as you all know (and now I know), the "Suzuki" emblem on this cover is rubber and comes out quite easily when it is asked to. Seems like sometimes you just have to know the right question...

                          And lastly, a question based on the front brake assembly:

                          On the right hand side there's a bit attached to the fork and connected by a hose to the caliper on the left. What is it for? Is it to drain the forks and thereby connected to the braking system? I just wanted to be sure before I bleed the front brakes...


                            One last thing...

                            Oh and one last thing: I cracked open the crankcase on the left side of the bike just to get a peek inside. I decided against taking it off as I think I'll wait till the engine's off the frame and I probably should lean the bike on its side to get it off. Anyway, the case was sealed with a red instant gasket type solution. I was just wondering if this might hint at there being a problem somewhere inside or is that what you do when you re-seal the case? What work might have been done before that they needed to remove this casing?

                            Thanks again for all your help so far. I'm off for a few days out of town so next session on the bike will be next weekend. Looking forward to it though!


                              It will be easier to pull that off with it on the bike, it is magnetic so you will need all the weight you can get trust me..


                                Originally posted by soundsource View Post
                                Oh and one last thing: I cracked open the crankcase on the left side of the bike just to get a peek inside. I decided against taking it off as I think I'll wait till the engine's off the frame and I probably should lean the bike on its side to get it off. Anyway, the case was sealed with a red instant gasket type solution. I was just wondering if this might hint at there being a problem somewhere inside or is that what you do when you re-seal the case? What work might have been done before that they needed to remove this casing?

                                Thanks again for all your help so far. I'm off for a few days out of town so next session on the bike will be next weekend. Looking forward to it though!
                                the stator is in there. not too much oil is in there, so that instant gasket usually works. a proper gasket only costs ~$10 though.....was it leaking oil from there though?

