I am a newbie restorer and have just started my rebuild. Really enjoying it so far. But I bet they all say that eh? What's the odds on a completion? How many start and never finish? Hope I am not one of them!
(Added: December 2012): I am doing an original rebuild with some upgrades (brake lines, electrics). I am not a welder, fabricator or painter and I will not be building zinc plating tanks and soda blasting cabinets. I will stick with my skills in mechanics. I will be using the services of people to do the painting, blasting and chroming for me (I am in the UK). I will be sticking pretty much to the original factory design of the bike but I might play a little with colour. I am rebuilding this bike with an accent on doing it to a high standard (rechroming the forks for instance) which will probably mean breaking open the crankcases just so I can get them blasted, polished and possibly painted, nicely. I want the finished product to be good for another 30 years. I am not going for 100% original concours. I have to spread the cost of this out so I am planning for this to take 24 months. I am looking to ride out in the summer of 2014. God willing.
I have set up a blog to capture a photo of every part I remove/replace. This will be my reference for the rebuild. It contains 100s of high resolution pictures and descriptions of procedures I have performed and problems I have had.
Here is my blog: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/
I am posting on the GS Resources Forum here, extracts from the blog to show the progress of the rebuild. There will be enough information on this forum that you will not need to visit the blog unless you really want to delve deep or you are a complete geek like me!
Not sure how best to put pics up here like this:

It's a real drag having to put them up to Photobucket every time I update this site. It there any way of linking my blog? Does anyone know?