Bought my first bike about 2 months ago.

A 1983 Suzuki GS450A "Suzukimatic"
I know...what was I first bike and it's almost 30 years old...
Well the size was right, it felt good, it was CHEAP ($500) and it RUNS. I really wanted to find a bike I could really get into and learn. I love cars, engines, building things, and breaking things. :P I'm a self taught shade tree mechanic, but I have a degree in electronics and have been fixing things since I was 6...breaking them since I was 2. So I figure this is a GREAT thing for me to get into and worse case scenario, I can always part it out. Apparently there is a decent market for this bike since it doesn't resemble it's cousins the GS450 or the GS450T AT ALL! (I could be wrong)
So....This will be a SLOW project. I don't know which direction It's going to primary goals are to have a nice bike I can learn to maneuver on and upgrade to something a little larger when I'm comfortable. So I wont be making any HUGE changes overnight. Money and Time are limiting factors but I really want to RIDE IT! Then I can break it!

I'm going to keep things "somewhat" organized. I'll start with gathering information as well as listing problems, cosmetic, and mechanical I "discover" along the way. Maybe my screw-ups and information hunting can help others out there who might get their hands on one of these. we go!