It runs, but not very well. Obviously corroded carburetors. Does not want to stop, in fact it feels like the back brake is wanting to seize the wheel. And the tank has the look of someone had a problem with it. You'll see.
My plan is to get this bike fairly close back to stock, but I'm not yet sure I want to keep the paint scheme the same. I really like the orange and red stripes on both one of the 450s I've seen, and a late 70s CB900 F. But keep it black. Oh, and keep the headers. I have Kerkers to put on it, but will need baffles. This is really one of my dream bikes so I intend to keep it. I usually sell my winter rebuilds. Will need a fairing of some kind, so we'll see what is available down the road.
Lots to do in the meantime. Carbs, brakes, bearings, cables, clutch basket look at, oil, and new paint and shine on the motor. Will be a slow deal, but I will keep this current. If there are any issues with the 78, please let me know. I've done this before on other bikes, but I am certainly not an expert. Here are some starting pics

From the front.

Filthy motor and rusty headers.

Side view with mismatched drag pipes.

Is this worth fixing or should I try to find a new one. Insides are rust free.

Your input is encouraged, except cut it up for a cafe.