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My 7-11 Swap in Progress!

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    so is this an 8 valve 750 chassis. . ?
    if so dis-regard what i said about the lower mounts????????
    i thought for some reason you was doing an 80-82 750 chassis.
    thanks for the amp pics!


      Originally posted by Jedz123 View Post
      All Bearings, wheel, steering head and swing arm were all replaced last year. Also did the 530 chain conversion using a X-ring Hayabusa rated chain. It's was a $280 chain 13,000 lbs tensile strength I think. One of the best I could buy, forged steel sprockets. Drive wise the bike is ready to go. Front Brakes are from an 1100E NOS rubber line 2 years ago. Can't bring the brake lever to the bar. Brakes are adequate as well.
      Well okay then lol. sounds like you got things covered pretty good.
      sigpicMrBill Been a GSR member on and off since April 2002
      1980 GS 750E Bought new in Feb of 1980
      2015 CAN AM RTS

      Stuff I've done to my bike:dancing: 1100E front end with new Sonic springs, 1100E swing arm conversion with new Progressive shocks installed, 530 sprockets/chain conversion, new SS brake lines, new brake pads. New SS fasteners through out. Rebuilt carbs, new EBC clutch springs and horn installed. New paint. Motor runs strong.


        Originally posted by blowerbike View Post
        so is this an 8 valve 750 chassis. . ?
        if so dis-regard what i said about the lower mounts????????
        i thought for some reason you was doing an 80-82 750 chassis.
        thanks for the amp pics!

        His sig says 81 750L
        sigpicMrBill Been a GSR member on and off since April 2002
        1980 GS 750E Bought new in Feb of 1980
        2015 CAN AM RTS

        Stuff I've done to my bike:dancing: 1100E front end with new Sonic springs, 1100E swing arm conversion with new Progressive shocks installed, 530 sprockets/chain conversion, new SS brake lines, new brake pads. New SS fasteners through out. Rebuilt carbs, new EBC clutch springs and horn installed. New paint. Motor runs strong.


          Originally posted by mrbill5491 View Post
          His sig says 81 750L
          my cig says marboro...hahahhaha

          80-82 750 will need the bottom mounts addressed. like i said but the E models have removable lower mounts.
          the pic kinda cornfused me.


            Blower; Bottom by means of making new triangle mounts right? Which I planned on. Yeah she's an 81 750L frame 16V 750. Sorry I have an 78 750E frame with tank sitting there right next to my 81.

            Bill, whenever I replace or replaced parts I've always had the 7/11 swap in the back of my head. So when this day finally came my bike's components would be strong and able for the Suzuki big Block. SS lines are in the cards though. Love to install twin pot calipers but don't think there are any options for my bike unless I swap the front end... Which I don't want to do for I love the way the bike looks & handles now.

            Thanks again guys!
            Last edited by Jedz123; 11-14-2012, 04:15 PM.


              i'm glad to see your not running a 50 dollar 530 chain like others do.
              you need to check your 1150 basket as soon as you get a chance.
              all you need is a clutch cover gasket for an inspection and 1100/1150 take the same gasket.
              let me know.


                Originally posted by blowerbike View Post
                i'm glad to see your not running a 50 dollar 530 chain like others do.
                you need to check your 1150 basket as soon as you get a chance.
                all you need is a clutch cover gasket for an inspection and 1100/1150 take the same gasket.
                let me know.
                !? !?
                Ceck my GS1150ES clutch basket or the New 1100 motor's clutch basket? What am I checking for exactly?


                  Originally posted by Jedz123 View Post
                  !? !?
                  Ceck my GS1150ES clutch basket or the New 1100 motor's clutch basket? What am I checking for exactly?
                  a stock 1150 with a stock basket can explode when ridden like the bikes was meant to be ridden.
                  remove the basket and post a pic of the back side and we can go from there.
                  the 1100 if ran hard has the same concerns.


                    Umm wow. Good to know. Stil new to the liter GS realm. Kinda concerned now. My 1150 felt odd as if the clutch was slipping but not quite under hard acceleration. Also dropped out of second once under WOT. I'll take a look into it first thing. What's the general cure for this and why would Suzuki roll out with such a weak basket?


                      baskets not weak.
                      suzuki used helical gears on the primary's(quieter than straight cut) and they side load when abused.
                      when they side load they try separate the basket from the large primary gear.
                      i have ran low 8's with a GS basket but it had a straight cut gear and a HD backing plate kit installed.
                      ever heard a KZ/Z1 ect...did you hear a whirring sound? that's the straight cut primary gears.
                      the fix is...
                      have an HD backing plate kit installed on your basket(s) and be done.


                        Good to know. Something I can do myself? I'll take it out tomorrow and take a peak and shoot some pics to you blower.


                          remove cover.
                          remove 6 pp spring bolts.
                          remove pp.
                          unfold lock washer.
                          take an 1 1/4" socket and impact and remove large nut.
                          grab inner hub and pull towards you.
                          remove plates as they fall loose.
                          remove inner hub/shim/grooved washer.
                          take a cc bolt and thread into one of the sleeve spacer 6mm holes.
                          pull and remove sleeve spacer and basket will drop.
                          remove basket and take picture of the back of it where the springs and rivets are.
                          if you lucky maybe it has been done already..if not you can call john pearson(937-839-9723) and he'll give you a price.
                          mention my name so i can get my cut

                          just reverse procedure to re-install.


                            Thanks For the detail of the uninstall Blower LOL. I have memorized my Factory Service Manual... Some read Novels I read Specifications and break down procedure for leisurely reading LOL Easy out in 15 minutes.
                            Wanted to check my Clutch any way for I was noticing a slip when I was going after it hard, glad I did! Most of the Friction Fibers are near bear and a couple actually are and the springs are under clearance... No wonder I was feeling a slip in Power when I raced it the other day... Scarey thing is that means she's faster..
                            Pics of the Basket and Helical drive gear.

                            Scarey part about this is the back plate moves to the clutch basket... Rivets seem a bit loose. I can slide the back of the basket with my thumbs...

                            So that needs to be addressed. Thanks for the heads up. blower so call John and arrange to send it in and what do I say BlowerBike for GSR sent me? LOL

                            Thanks again!


                              that is stock and will blow a part.
                              call john and tell him terry c. sent you.
                              the basket and gear should not move for/aft one another nor should it move side to side.


                                one more thing..
                                if you or anyone wants factory asbestos clutch kit NOS from suzuki many years ago...1100/1150 8v. & 16v. interchange.
                                i have one complete..may be a few bucks more than buying superseded current parts but its the best clutches ever offered got big GS'S.

