Started the valve adjustment. I broke a bolt. Ugh. Luckily a good 1/2 inch of the bolt is exposed. I've been putting off trying to remove it. I'm hoping some penetrating oil and vice grips will be enough. I've already purchased the bolt kit from Z1.
Checking the gaps was easier than expected, though the shim tool was a pain to use. It takes patients and practice. Needed 3 shims. Still waiting for them and the gaskets.
So while waiting for parts I decided to tackle a couple small appearance projects.
When I had worked on my R/R project I noticed how worn out the rubber grommets were on the battery box, as well as the bolts. So I ordered replacements of those. While doing that I realized I should clean up the battery box. It had quite a bit of rust due to a past acid leak (I think). The wire wheel cleaned it up pretty good and I was thinking about paint, but I decided to call a local powder coater instead.
I'm sure I could have manage the paint by myself and probably a bit cheaper, but I would fail as a graffiti tagger, so I decided to spend the money. I took in the air box cover too as it was a bit worn and rusty in a few places.
He's going to media blast and powder coat the two pieces for $55. Not bad in my opinion. The air cover was probably overkill, but I like the idea of a durable coating on the battery box. I'll post pictures when I get them back.
I also started doing a little polishing on the case covers. I'm not going for a mirror finish like some of you guys, but I was able to clean up one, so far, pretty well. (The picture below doesn't do it justice) I kinda want a little patina left on the parts. (definitely will have to get new labels) My engine isn't clean enough.

After the valve adjustment, it'll be the carbs. Nothing too crazy yet, but I have lots of time left in the off season and I know there are other important maintenance projects to do, as well as other small clean up projects. I'll keep documenting here as I progress.