Well, decided to take care of my last project for the summer (still need to tune the carbs), changing the oil. Except it was a bit more than that.
I have wanted to remove the clutch cover to get at the oil fill glass since I bought the bike. The glass and metal cage behind it were so dirty that I could barely see the oil level. I wanted to rectify that, as well as polish up the cover.
No problem draining the oil and removing the filter. Those went well. Thankfully.
Went to remove the clutch cover. Every screw was really tight. With a good philips bit and a few adapters I used my socket wrench for leverage. Worked a charm on all but two. Those two...well they were stubborn to say the least. In the end I had to drill the heads off of them. Once the cover was off, the remaining posts came out with little difficulty with vice grips.
Cleaned the cover and the oil glass. The metal cage behind the class was difficult to reach, even with Q-Tips, but I got it to the point that it's usable now. I'm pretty happy with the results. I also polished up the aluminum, after removing what was left of the old clear coat. I didn't shine it up to the standards I've seen on GSR, but I'm happy with it.
I also cleaned, primed and painted the oil filter cover and nuts. It'll probably be the cleanest looking part of the engine for now, but I figured what the hell since I had it off.
Then to start buttoning things up... well...
The oil drain plug went back in without a problem. The filter cover still needs more time to cure, so that's not going on yet. The clutch cover... UGH.
Grabbed my new gasket that I ordered over the winter with other parts. It's not the right one!

There are two part number stickers on the gasket. One is the 3rd party number: 11482-47000-H17. This is the correct part number for my gasket. However the SGP sticker has 11482-49000-H17, with the 49000 marked out. What the? I wish I would have noticed this a lot sooner.

Hopefully Boulevard will be cool about this. Regardless, until I get a replacement the oil change is paused. Sheesh. If it's not one thing...