I got the tach drive gear in yesterday and very nearly scrapped the bike. I had the valve cover off to remove part of my tach drive plug and dropped one of those teeny-tiny nuts down into the cam chain tunnel. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I got up the courage to find my mirror to have a peek down. By the Powers, it hadn't fallen all the way down. I counted myself VERY lucky since this is now the second time such a thing has happened. It took some doing to figure out how to snatch it out of there but I eventually settled on a neodynium magnet attached to a thick feeler gauge. Three extremely careful tries and it was out.
I will never NOT stuff a rag down into the cam chain tunnel, even if the cover is off for only five minutes, pinky swear. Not onto the rest...
On the previous run, I had the idle set way too high. I didn't realize how high because I didn't have a working tach. So today before I took it out, I dialed it way back and added some slack to the throttle cable. It still idles a little under 2k and hangs around 2.5k while out riding so I think I'm lean. But then again, it starts real easy with not much choke, and I can push the choke all the way in after 15-20 seconds of running, so maybe it's rich? I'll have to do some troubleshooting in this area; right now my suspicion is on the carb's mixture screws. After I got back to the garage and shut the engine off, I pointed my nifty new infrared thermometer at area where the pipes join the head. Around 300 degrees (Fahrenheit here) on number 1 and 2 and around 400 degrees on 3 and 4. Not sure what it means yet, but I would think a 100 degree difference is worth noting.
Oh yeah, and the speedometer broke. I noticed it start to whine while I was riding around and made a mental note to take it off and lubricate it. A few minutes later, the needle was gone. So it seems as though I am destined to have either a working speedo or tach but not both.
As for my riding skills... I need much practice. Getting moving from a stop, especially when turning at the same time, is definitely my weak area. Haven't stalled it yet, but I attribute that to this bike's extremely smooth clutch with it's enormous friction zone. I am starting to have more confidence in these new tires, however.
And finally, I did forget to take an "after" picture of the bike yet again. Next time, I promise!