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1978 GS550 project

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    1978 GS550 project

    Hi all,

    I've had my GS550 for a couple of months during which time I've had it MOT'd and ridden a few miles to get the feel of it. It sure is different to my Harley and I love it, so light and nimble.

    The plan was always to get it running properly and enjoy it before embarking on any chopping etc. In no particular order, Ignition, Valves and Carbs would be the firsts jobs.

    Converting the points to a digital system is a simple job so that's what I did first.

    The engine seemed not to be able to rev freely and I suspect that was due to tight valves? Confirmed this week by little or no valve clearance. Once I've sorted the valves I'll strip the carbs and refurbish them.

    Am I on the right track? Any advise on things to look out for on the GS?

    Some of the fixing screws holding the points had stripped threads.

    Whats in the box.

    The unit was straight forward to fit.

    While I was at it I decided to replace the outer emblem.

    I decided to do both sides and was shocked to find that the official Suzuki parts were much cheaper than those being offered on E-bay

    Welcome--nice bike! Always great to see re-builds and such.

    GS750TZ V&H/4-1, Progressive Shocks, Rebuilt MC/braided line, Tarozzi Stabilizer[Seq#2312]
    GS750TZ Parts Bike [Seq#6036]
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    my opinion shouldn't be taken as gospel or in any way that would lead you to believe otherwise (30Sep2021)


      Very tidy 550!
      1980 GS550ET


        Hang onto that black badge. They are rare and worth some coin.

        Bike looks good. Enjoy!

        To measure is to know.

        Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...

        Top Newbie Mistakes thread...

        Carb rebuild tutorial...

        KZ750E Rebuild Thread...



          I've just spoken to two Suzuki dealers and they quote £76 = $121 for a tappet depressor tool! It must be gold plated.


            Motion Pro makes one a lot cheaper, and some folks use Zip Ties instead.

            You're not really going to cut it up are you?

            Life is too short to ride an L.


              Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
              Motion Pro makes one a lot cheaper, and some folks use Zip Ties instead.
              Thank you for that, they have a UK distributor, I'll check them out.

              Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
              You're not really going to cut it up are you?
              I doubt it. The more I work on it the more I like it as it is.


                Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
                You're not really going to cut it up are you?
                My thoughts too. That's a nice, clean, and complete 550 there.


                  Originally posted by MAJikMARCer View Post
                  My thoughts too. That's a nice, clean, and complete 550 there.
                  The original idea was to get a bike and build a custom from it. After I got it home and started having a closer look I found the frame and engine had been recently painted etc. The bloke who owned it before me had obviously started the restoration which I will finish. May get another bike at some point in the future to chop, you can never have to many bikes can you


                    hi mutant,picked up a tappet tool off ebay for around £12,does the job fine.nice clean 550 and far to good to chop!


                      Originally posted by Mutant View Post
                      May get another bike at some point in the future to chop, you can never have to many bikes can you
                      That seems to be a trend, they must make these bikes from crack or something.


                        Originally posted by chedd View Post
                        hi mutant,picked up a tappet tool off ebay for around £12,does the job fine.nice clean 550 and far to good to chop!
                        I've just ordered a Motion Pro tool from the UK distributor. A bit expensive @ £19 including delivery but much better than £76 from Suzuki.


                          Started stripping the carbs.

                          I don't think they left the factory like this!


                          All stripped and ready for cleaning. I'm having the bodies ultrasonically cleaned.


                            Wow that's pretty gross. Is that float damaged on the left?

                            Very nice looking bike, by the way.
                            1979 Suzuki GS850G

                            Read BassCliff's GSR Greeting and Mega-Welcome!


                              Thank you.

                              No, the floats have cleaned up ok, it was just muck thankfully.

