So I started by getting it running , cleaned the carbs , good soaking and new o-rings and gaskets ect, installed them , changed the oil , new battery and fired it up . Motor sounds good , aside from a few oil leaks . Ordered up the gaskets that I need.
So I am thinking I want a fat tire in the rear , with a good front end, so I started looking at what parts I got and have now decided to put a 97 600 Bandit swing arm on it as I already had it . I decided to stay with the twin shocks so had to make up some shock mounts and weld them onto the swing arm, as for mounting the swing arm I was able to use the bearing races from the original 1000 swing arm in the bearings from the Bandit. They had the same outside diameter. So no hunting or drilling of the frame was required .
The wheel I am not sure what it is from. I got it from TAS850G he had it for a conversion on his Gixxer then went another direction. Anyway I believe it is from a Late 80's early 90's Katana, as it has a 160 tire, might be able to squeeze a 170 on but may not be shaped right as it is a 4.5 rim. But it will be fine.
Doing a 530 chain conversion. I am going to turn a carrier down 1/4" to move the chain over a little and I should be able to use just a spacer behind the 530 front sprocket .
I had to cut the frame where the original pipes attached and passenger pegs were to fit the arm so I decided to add rearsets, have that wrecked Bandit and the rear sets are going to work fine I believe. I need to make up some mounting points . Time to play with my brothers lathe for a while.
