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1984 GS550L Restore to riding condition

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    1984 GS550L Restore to riding condition

    Spring seems to be coming to my neck of the woods...finally. This is the year that I attempt to get my GS550L back on the road.
    So I freed it from the corner of my garage where it has been hiding for 12 years. Pulled the tarp off and rolled into the sun.

    My attack plan:
    1. Remove carbs, clean then, and replace o-rings and gaskets.
    2. Remove remove rust from inside fuel tank and clean petcock.

    3. Change oil and plugs.

    Once I get the bike running I plan to:
    4. Change brakes and fuel lines.
    5. Change front and rear tires.
    6. Possibly repaint the bike.

    Here she is seeing the sun for the first time in 12 years.

    Stripped down and carbs off.
    Last edited by Guest; 03-11-2013, 10:52 AM.

    For a cruiser, I always thought those years were the best looking. I would love to find one for my wife.

    Good luck, being a GS550E (85) owner, just shout it you need any help.



      That is a nice colour. Bikes look nice coming out of hibernation.


        Originally posted by frankinzuki
        HI antlese
        Just to let you know the 83 to 86 GS550E/ES models are the crotch rocket version of the 83 to 86 GS550L and almost all the parts are interchangeable. And a lot of 83 to 86 GS750E/ES and even 83 to 86 GS1150 parts are interchangeable.

        I luv my Gs550L's!!! Good luck and have fun.
        Thanks frankinzuki! That's good to know.
        My carbs are nearly done. Now if only it would warm up here a little (only 14F outside today) so I get to cleaning out my gas tank.


          A bit of an update:I have been working on my GS for a few months now when I find and hour to spare here or there.
          So far I have:

          Cleaned the carbs and replaced the o-rings in them as well as new main jets;
          Relined the gas tank with POR-15;
          Rebuilt the petcock;
          Replaced the rear brake light cover.

          I have managed to start it up have adjusted the idle. I used my car battery to start it. It needed a bit of coaxing by using some starter fluid sprayed directly into the air intake. It runs pretty well. I put a little Seafoam in the tank and ran it for a few minutes to see if that helps things out.

          Work still remaining:
          Replace the oil pan because I the oil drain bolt is leaking. I managed to cross thread the bolt about 15 years ago . I have a used oil pan and bolt that I found on ebay, but now I am tring to remove the exhaust system so that I can replace the iol pan. I removed 4 exhaust bolts no problem. I broke one (ARGHHHH), and another one is still seized. I have ordered some reverse drill bits to see if I can remove the broken bolt from the engine manifold.

          The front brake needs some work. There is no pressure when I pull the brake lever. I replaced the brake fluid and attempted to bleed the brake line, but still no success. I still need to research/troubleshoot this.

          Need to buy a battery. Now that I know the bike runs, I am ready to spend some cash on the battery.

          Replace front brake line when I get the front brake caliper piston moving.


