I Checked the lights, horn, indicators all worked fine so went to turn her over but nothing. At this stage I thought perhaps clean the kill switch, but not wanting to spend too much time getting it started, as there will be other issues to deal with. Anyway I decided to keep stripping down first pulled off the 4-1 Motad, it had one oversize bolt and 2 of the other bolts seem cross threaded, so that’s going to be an issue.
Next it seems the wiring above the head seems to have been too close to the cylinder and has cooked some of the wiring and connector, so I guess it will be best to pull out the harness and give it a good going over… I need to find out what I should be testing for, either just continuity, or resistance as well, also what readings I should be expecting…Ideas?

The seems to be an oil leak coming from the boot on the shaft, but I can’t look at that till I have made a proper working space in my shed, so both wheels need to stay on for now.
Air box and carbs off both the air box boots and carb boots are very hard so they will be renewed along with all the rubber tubing. 2 of the carb boots still need to come off but I need some propane to get them off

Headlight switch needs tidying up or simply taking off and wiring the headlight direct….Ideas?

Respray is going to be done next winter.
Strip harness, carbs/air box, switchgear
Clear shed space and remove back wheel / shaft
New propane bottle and remove carb boots
Polish off bluing from exhaust , wirewool or polish??? Ideas ??