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Newb Project!: gs1100gk....

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    lol yeah, not many to come by locally though. that or people want too much for them. honestly i wanted a bike i could ride right away. this one has proven to be more initial work than expected but should be on the road in a couple weeks hopefully.


      I bought my GK last May & figured it would be on the road in July. Reality is that I will register it this June. It was more work than I expected. However, now after doing all the previously neglected maintenance & fixing the PO's botched work. I am much happier with the result.
      I didn't like the crap brown that the bike was also. So, when I finally got a good used tank, I had the trim removed. Had it & the side covers sprayed a darker, deeper brown ( never would have guess that one in the beginning). That changed the looks of the bike tremendously. Next, I want to find a painted "G" fender & get rid of the touring "GK" one. Also, threw away the shield over the instruments. That looked rediculous!
      So, do keep us posted on your "renovations"!


        don't tell me that lol, i'm still banking on my naivety to keep me motivated


          Guess i should post a little update. coils FINALLY showed up today, who would have thought UPS would not only have to make a shipment go through 5 distribution centers in kansas alone, but resort to having USPS do the actual delivery.....anyway, this weekend I get to go pick up a new battery, speedo cable, valve cover gasket, spark plugs, and maybe a few more things.....


            minor update...haven't had as much time as i'd like lately but finally had an hour or so to get a couple things done today. Got the right side switches wired up and throttle cable ran, need to build a small adapter for the bracket at the carb end of the cable in order to accept the gsxr 1000 cable.

            Also pulled off the airbox and boy is it purdy in there, most likely won't worry about replacing the filter, just go with pods and jetting.

            Looks like the carb to engine boots have been replaced, all pretty soft. Also missing a couple of cap screws on the carbs...the more I dig into this bike the more I feel like the kid I bought it from needs a decent father figure, either to slap him or to teach him to take pride in his work.

            And here's a lovely pic of the air filter...


              Ooof Staring at that paint for too long almost gave me a seizure...

              LOL I've considered a GS1100GK but I log enough miles on my FZ1 to make it illogical get another bike made for big miles...

              As for pictures. I just use my Facebook and link them over that way. FYI

              Umm looks like a mouse got at that filter... Time to buy some pods! LOL .. now watch the bullets fly.

              Welcome aboard!


                got a few little things done. pickd up a speedo cable, got turn signals mounted, and got bored today and didn't have much time so all I ended up doing was dropping the front end, took it down and inch and a half, made a HUGE difference. sorry didn't have time for picks. I'll get some when i get
                the headlight back on, but the rest of my weekend belongs to the other love of my life.....


                  it was bound to happen, finally broke something. while thumping on it with a rubber mallet(lowering the front end) i smacked the ignition switch a couple of times. now I get no juice when I turn the key. unless there are obvious, easy fixes I think I will just do a hidden on/off switch and keep the ignition switch as a dummy/steering lock. thoughts?


                    You probably just separated the contacts by hitting it. You can take the switch apart and see if anything is broken with the contacts. If so there are aftermarket switches available.


                      good to know, I have no idea how to pull it apart lol, guess i'll fiddle with it.


                        Originally posted by The Jed View Post
                        good to know, I have no idea how to pull it apart lol, guess i'll fiddle with it.
                        There is a screw on the bottom , take it out and the whole electrical switch will drop out. By the way you have 41mm forktubes and you can use an early gsxr triple clamps if you wanted.
                        1984 GS1100GK newest addition to the heard
                        80 GS 1000gt- most favorite ride love this bike
                        1978 GS1000E- Known as "RoadKill" , Finished :D
                        83 gs750ed- first new purchase
                        85 EX500- vintage track weapon
                        1958Ducati 98 Tourismo
                        “Remember When in doubt use full throttle, It may not improve the situation ,but it will end the suspense ,
                        If it isn't going to make it faster or safer it isn't worth doing


                          thank you! been tossing that idea around quite a bit.

                          on another note call me retarded but I give up on trying to find it. the bike came without a speedo cable and I can't find where it attaches ( i think the previous owner might have plugged it with a bolt), and can't seem to find it in the clymer manual either. any direction on that one would be greatly appreciated.


                            haven't done much to help with visuals, but here are some pics of where it is...

                            look at those nice clean carbs!


                              got the rust dug out around the badge mount and re-tapped the paint filled holes...still much sanding to do, kids have been slackin.....A little shot of MOST of what i've been up to, dropped the front end an inch and a half, lowered the guages about 3 inches, made bushings and mounted k6 gsxr1000 clip-ons and switches, got some cheap turn signals, built a crappy headlight bracket, and started hooking some of it up....


                                after deciding on a headlight i'll eventually go with (ducati street fighter) the bike now has a name...Master chief. that headlight reminds me too much of master chief from Halo and with the military green i'll be slapping on it, I couldn't resist. okay, I'll take a break from posting for the night, i promise lol.

