So I just bought this bike. I have been in search of a Z1 like project and when this bike came around for $1400 on craigslist I couldn't pass it up. The description said it didn't run. The PO bought it as such and didn't have any history except that he was told that it ran before it was parked. But she sure is pretty...
Got her home and started to look a little closer, I couldn't find a rusty bolt anywhere, everything was so clean. I started to notice things were too nice, seat is NOS same with the front fender. The break line isn't even in it's stay. Changed the oil, checked the air filter... something is wrong it's all too nice. I had better dig a little deeper...
I pulled the cam cover to check clearances aha lots of shinny clear red gasket sealer oh and more over there and there and there. This engine has been rebuilt and has never ran or at least not for long.
What I thought was a well taken care of motorcycle was really an unfinished project.
What to do now? Who rebuilt it? did they do a good job? So many questions...
I am tempted to pull the top end apart just to see what has been done. Valve clearances are non existent, there is next to no compression and I am thinking you don't get that far and give up unless you really have no clue. Oh well we will see what tomorrow brings.