Man, carb syncing is hard work. I spent almost half the day getting ready to sync the carbs, making a fuel reservoir, and a stand to hold it and mucking around without making much progress. I was trying to get it done before we needed to leave for our BCCMC First Annual BBQ.
I didn't get it done so tonight after I got back I had ago at syncing the carbs with the borrowed Carbtune Pro and my home made fuel reservoir.
Well I spent the best part of 30 minutes trying to get the carbs to balance and finally got it close, then I realized I didn't have the fuel vent hose plugged, so I plugged it and then tried again.
I couldn't get it even close with the vent plugged, so I have given up for now and will wait for the bike to cool down before I have another go.
Very frustrated as the adjustments don't make sense and seem random, not sure what I'm doing but trying to follow the manual. Hopefully once I've cooled down a bit it makes more sense.
I see why the motion pro auxiliary tanks are 2 litres, the one I have is about 500ml and it's is only enough for about 15-20 mins, these bikes are thirsty.
Here's a picture of my setup and a picture showing the gauges, the closest I got when the vent hose was not plugged.