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My second GS (GS1100GZ)
My second GS (GS1100GZ)
OK so I have two project threads on the go now, my 82 1100GL, which is still going ahead, but whilst I was studying a couple of months back, this quite nice gs1100GZ easy project came on Ebay, and I had to buy it... So the GL goes on the back burner for now, not because I prefer the G, but more that 'm spent out, and it needs less to make it road worthy. so her goes with a few pics....Also picked up the 78 D2 XS triple in the same week (project number 3!)
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You love it really!! but don't worry I promise not to mention the thing on here ever againanyway back to this G, what needs doing to it to make it ready for the road? I have swapped the carbs with the GL carbs as they were already clean. Putting together the carbs went fine, apart from I gauged out some of the rubber of the fuel inlet tee piece, thinking it was an oring, I wont ever make that mistake again, but it seems to not made a difference but I will keep an eye on it for any leaks.
I had a look at the air filter while swapping the carbs, and decided to swap it for my GL one as foam needs fitting on the cage as the PO had tried to seal it with a length of rope
I balanced the carbs, and it runs fine but I think I could do a better job, as I tried calibrating the gauges by hooking them up 4321 then writing down the reading then hooking the up 1234 there was a variation on 3 and 4 of .5 and .7 but it was too confusing for me so I just ignored it and got them balanced and it sounds OK for now with no popping.
Heres a pic with my adapted petrol can lid which works great now I've sealed it with a little hondabond.
Whilst running the engine a I noticed lots of smoke coming from down below, and found it was leaking lots of oil with was burning on the pipes, so I took off the exhaust as I'm swapping these GL pipes for the Motad 4-1 which was on the GL, then drained the oil, and took off the sump to find the PO had not used a gasket or a washer on the drain plug. so a gasket and washer is on order.
lots of rubber gasket in the bottom and a tiny bit of brass (not sure where that may of come from?) I tried to undo the gauze but the screws already looked chewed so I'll have a look at it again when I have the engine out over the winter.
it has already been modified with a sh 232-12 6 wire RR and other coils, but the wiring needs a tidy up
The back brake lever is sticking on to that's the next thing to look at
I had a think about the chewed screws on the mesh and decided no harm would come if I took off anything breakable and lay the bike on its side on an old mattress screws came out with cutting slots and applying heat, I can replace these with button hex bolts for next time