I have been a member for just a short period of time but in that time I have seen and read some things that have inspired my to go much further that i ever intended with my GS. At this point you may be wondering "why a brutal GS" well it is my intention to make my GS700ES into something of the likes that has never been seen on Woodward AVE. Then put all those muscle car fools to shame with my japanese Bike. when I first bought the bike I lived right on Woodward and did a lot of racing during the 4 weeks leading up to dream cruise. Even with shot out carbs and a slipping clutch I was just about uncatachable.
I have since than sorted out the clutch with new springs and plates, and am sorting out the carbs and adjusting the valve head space now. It should be much quicker this year. Alright enough with the ego stroking here are some pics...
That was the hack job the PO did to my carbs. Only the carb with the hole drilled in the side had a mixture screw in it. It had been filled if with RTV or something and all the carbs had hex head screws blocking the passages. what a shame.
The original color scheme was blue and white and I was going to stick with that. note all the blue bits. But in an effort to be more brutal I have decided to go matte balck and red with the body and gloss black and red with the frame and engine, breaks, blah blah blah...
I pulled the valve cover in preperation of the valve adjustment and was shocked to find the valve train to clean! The cover is getting blasted and painted goss black with the bolts gloss red. the little breather cover is going to be gloss red with the bolts black. Oh and all inset lettering like the TSCC on the valve cover and the SUZUKI on the side covers will be gloss red.
This is a rolling project and I plan to ride this year without painting any of the body or frame or breaks blah blah blah. so it is going to look very strange and discheveled for this season but will get a nice paint job after the season is through. I will keep posting pics and progress as it occurs. Thank you all for the confidance and inspiration to prusue this goal. Talk to you soo.