Anyway, i finally got around to doing this. I got the canister on eBay for stupid cheap, and it polished right up, just need to get all the tiny scratches out, but if it looks good at 10 feet its good for now. The mid pipe I had bent at a local shop for 20 bucks, and I got the shape from that flexi pipe stuff at the parts store. It was a good fast way to see the final result before I spend on a mandrel bent piece for permanent installation. I have to say it came out pretty good, and the sound isn't any quieter than the V&H megaphone, but it is less raspy. Awesome notes on accel, and nice smooth deepens at idle. signals. I believe I need to fuss with mixture a tad with the different exhaust, but not much. It pops a little at 1/4 throttle cruising, and the carbs seem slightly out of synch. Easy stuff for another day. The strap is 1" aluminum stock I bought at Lowes and the black rubber is a Walmart bike inner tube, the skinniest I could find, and it fit right over. I hope it doesn't burn or melt but it was only 4 bucks and I have the rest of the tube, probably 4 more.
All the start--of-season stuff I did this year you can't see: new stator, new clutch, rebuilt front master cylinder with new sight glass, aftermarket short turn signals. She's running good and I'm hoping to put on some miles this year.

And this is what I started with 3 years ago: you can't see the dented tank or frayed wiring, but it's there!
