My last road bike was a V-Rod which i sold a while back to finish renovations on my house, i recently restored an 1985 75 series mid wheelbase Land-cruiser, and after I'd finished i decided a bike would be next on the list. I found this site before i bought the bikes and the stories and builds you guys have done definitely helped me decide on a GS suzi as my project....
Problem was, after checking out some of the cafe style projects on here i really wanted to build something in that style, and the GS1000 that i bought first up was pretty much a complete bike with quite low KMs (46,000) and it was just too good to chop and modify....so i bought the GSX which had no tank or fairings and was alot rougher than the GS.

So the plan is to restore the GS as per factory (or as close to as i can get). And cafe the GSX. Top end refresh for both of them is where im starting, compression was a little low but ok for both bikes after valve adjustments, but i have decided to do them both anyway as i plan to keep these bikes for quite some time.

Love browsing the forum and checking out other peoples builds, very inspiring, and BikeCliffs site is amazingly helpful. Again, the generosity of knowledge sharing here is what helped me decide to go GS...
And my first question, did some searching but couldn't find anything, does anyone know if the air box assembly is interchangeable for these two bikes? I was going to try anyway but i thought i could save my time if someone knows it won't work.
