To start, old carbs, was nice to have the bike running but I knew something was very wrong by the way it was popping
and this was the reason,
So some time and money's later Witttom sent me this:
Which had these in it:
Externally and internally they were a lot dirtier than the original set, but so far have come apart 1000x easier
so here is my mess, the old carbs are lined up on the window sill, I'm mostly re-using the internal parts from that set because they are a lot cleaner, no varnish etc.
Everybody out of the pool!... ok, wasn't funny :-P
I did notice one difference that almost got me confused, insteadof having the single bleeder screw (which is pictured in the PDF posted on basscliffs site for the VM carb rebuild tutorial) I have these guys... left goes in first and the right goes in over it in the same hole.
but I figured out the difference, and decided to assemble the first carb with the new o-rings and some oldy time non-gumming lubricating oil on the threads and o-rings, I left the tops on the slider assembly's together because the action pre-disassembly seemed pretty good to me, I'll likely do it for the rest too, but in the mean time, carb #1 is done
I just figured with my time being at a premium lately and the tendency for other people to misplace things for me when I'm not around it would be best for me to tackle them one at a time. I'll take more pictures on the next go around too, I just wanted to do this one as a test run and wasn't sure how much time I actually had either.
Oh, Also I moved the needle jet up one slot, I know it's not rejetting, which I should do, but for now, it's a little extra breathing room, until I get everything else that I need money for sorted out, including a registered frame >.<
I'll ad other projecty things to this thread later too, carbs just happened to be first.