Purists think I'm crazy since the paint is decent and original.I've opted for a full re-paint because there was just too much peeling on the tank and a few chips. The cowling appears to have been re-painted at one time and the color is off. Front fender had lots of chips on the leading edge. I'm putting so many new parts on it (including a new seat) that my fear is the paint will look shabby.
That said, feel free to chime in if you think I'm crazy but I would really appreciate hearing from someone who has done a re-paint and who they obtained their decal set from.
And if so, were the ones you used vinyl or waterslide? The small sword logos on my bike def. look like waterslide. Maybe the tank ones are too. Just cant say for sure.
What was the original? Mine looks like an adhesive decal but I may be wrong. The painter said it looked like there was some clear over the decals. The cowling is the only piece that has been re-painted and even from my crappy phone picture you can see who poor a match the cowl is.
My guy also painted my Z1R and it is so good everyone thinks it's original. I am confident in his work. I just want to do it right.
I've seen several sources for them from eBay to a couple Canadian decal makers. I just want the best and most original appearing.
To clear-coat or not is also on my mind. What would Jesus do? (If he rode a Katana)
Opinions welcome.
