BUT (nothing like a big but - eh)
The ES has larger carbs that previous guy said were set up by a local shop that I actually deal with. I've pulled the valve cover and the cams look good. Valve clearances are where they should be. I put a bit of oil down the cylinders and let sit for a while. Then slowly hand cranked the engine. Everything seems to be just fine. I pulled the float bowls on the carbs and it looks like previous guy drained the carbs before putting the bike in storage. Clean as a whistle. So I'm thinking the engine side of things might be just fine.
Brakes need a full rebuild. Ends on the existing SS lines are corroded. Plus one of the lines has a kink. No fluid in the front master cylinder. sort of looks like it all went down the outside. Instrument cluster is busted pretty good. But I have all the bodywork (including seat) and it all looks quite salvageable.
Now for some pics cuz I know everyone likes those...
General view of the right side.

General view of the left side

Previous guys custom fabrication handy work (Yikes). And yes, those are Rassk rearsets. Both sides no less. Shame about the crappy fix.

These are the carbs fitted to the bike. No idea what they are from. Semi-round slide. Maybe GSXR? Maybe GS1150? Any idea's. Engine side is 35mm.

So the E I picked up has a good V&H exhaust. Also has original foot controls if I can't get the Rassks fixed properly. Might pilfer some other parts from the E as needed. Oh... and as you can see in the pic, the E has an 1150E fairing fitted. Actually doesn't look too bad.
The other bike

Well, we'll see how it goes. I've started ordering a few parts. And there is lots of cleanup to do. I'm guessing a couple months before I get it on the road. Unless I get side tracked with a different project... which I have a few of.