The weather finally got consistently above 40 (we hope) in Minnesota, so it's time to start wrenching on my first bike, a '79 550 in pretty decent shape.
I bought it in mostly good condition from a guy on Craigslist knowing I'd have to put some work into it - it started and ran very cold all last summer, the petcock lost its vacuum and I stripped out the oil drain threads while finishing up an oil change last year. Yikes! It also spent the incredibly cold winter in the back of my unheated garage, which was also the site of my dad's drywall-cutting workshop during a home renovation this winter.

To my knowledge, it hasn't been consistently gone through in a long time - the guy I bought it from said it sat in a garage from the early '90s to a couple years ago - so I spent the winter reading up on the manuals posted by BikeCliff, among others. I think I'm ready to start tackling it ... but first, I need to buy about $500 of gaskets, boots, connections and general rubber. It was a great day today, though, so I figured I'd at least start disassembling it.

This is my first time working on anything this mechanical, but I feel like it'll be doable for me. On the docket: valve clearance adjustment, new exhaust seals, carb disassembly and cleaning, oil pan replacement, airbox cleaning and sealing, new boots and O-rings, brake bleed ... can't think of what else at the moment.