Clutch hub and basket while mounted on bike. Not sure how serious those marks from the springs are.
I couldn't get a really good look at everything while it was installed, so I removed the hub and basket. The next two pictures are of the clutch hub, the inner part of the basket assembly. To be honest, this seems more beat up than the outer basket/primary drive.
The next two are of the outer basket/primary drive. The marks on this look worse than they actually are. Although marked, for the most part, the surface is smooth. There are one or two areas where the surface is more worn, with smooth ridges and valleys.
What's left in the clutch....seems good to me.
I was hoping I could salvage the basket and hub with some careful sanding and filing to smooth everything out.
I think I know what the answers will be, but I'll ask anyway.
With worn areas on the clutch hub and basket, will that likely cause the engagement/disengagement issues I've been dealing with?
Will the same worn areas, cause the judder when I'm slipping the clutch to pull away from a stop?
What else am I missing?
In addition to the above, I had two metal driven discs that were slightly distorted. One within spec (0.002") and one at spec (0.004").
Your thoughts and advice, as always are appreciated.