Here is what it looked like when I picked it up.

Within a few days it looked like this and the project began.

With a few boxes of parts and some time we took it back down to the frame and engine made sure all the motor mounts were in corectly and started to decide what I wanted to do with the bike.
My plan for this build was simple eliminate anything I did not need replace anything that was bad or worn and build a bike that was simple and ran great.
The bike came without an air box and no exhasust so I snatched up an old vance&hines off ebay for $80 wraped it and sprayed it black. I got the side covers valve cover and starter cover powdercoated gloss black, and ordered a set of pods and from what I could find from info on this site the correct jets mains and pilots to get me going in the right direction. I sent the carbs to a freind to verify they were clean and fresh and had the top covers of the carbs done in gloss black to tie it all in. The stock harness was trashed so I made a new one. I installed a dyna ignition with dyna coils new plugs and wires new headlight front a rear turn signals chopped about 7" off the back of the bike and now need to make a new seat. I tried to make the bike as simple as possible and still be reliable. I now just need to finish painting the tank make a seat and figure out what I wanna do with the front fender. All and all I am very happy with the way the bike looks and here are some pics of the process along the way I will update and I progress towards the finish line.
