Day 1:
Not sure why it will let me upload this and not the other 3? Not that it matters much, you can clearly see that it's a pile. That's ok, I'm not only an ASE certified import mechanic specializing in electrical diagnosis, I kind of like starting with a proper pile, it gives me a greater sense of accomplishment..or something. Anyhoo, I somehow managed to get get it off my quirky little dump trailer alone in the rain without injuring myself or the bike, and shoved it into the garage. I promptly removed the bars and threw then in the garbage- the PO had stolen the bars off this bike and put them on his other goldwing, and put it's awful bars on here so he could at least push it around. None of the components would even reach their proper positions. New bar ordered, we'll see how I like it next week when it shows up.
So far I've measured just about every detail in height, diameter, and spacing between things. I have a friend that lives another 10 miles up the road from my place, and the last 4 miles or so are ugly. There are points at which 2wd cars with typical ground clearance can make it but probably shouldn't- I'm thinking I'd like this machine to make it all the way up there at any whim on my part, so as much as I'm considering lowering it, I probably shouldn't. Whatever ******** originally ratted it out went so far as to cut off the tabs that the side covers mount onto. Cute, but I have ways around that without having to sacrifice a battery, as there's no obvious provision for a kick starter, and doing all that extra work for an empty triangle just doesn't really do much for me.
So other than the fact that I'd like a set of aggressive dual sport tires on it, I have no picture in my mind yet of how it will end up looking. Free time is somewhat scarce and comes in short, unexpected bursts at the moment, but to try and keep myself on track I'm going to add commentary and pics of any amount of progress I make. I have one other bike but despite the fact that it's essentially done, keeping it roadworthy must remain first priority.
Suggestions, derision, or pics of cool, off-road-worthy GS's welcome.