Here's why I needed new pads................................

Yes that's right nicely greased friction area......god only knows how it had a MOT pass on it.
The front end is now fully stripped carrying on with the theme of doing an area at a time and rattle can painting that part of the frame, I don't want a total strip down as I have other projects on, so if another job comes up on something else I may need to shelve this at any time, so better to keep it mainly whole then nothing gets lost or I start losing interest and it's pushed into boxes and behind things!!!
Forks stripped, polished and re-sealed, again I have only polished them satin, not bright I don't want to go all show glo'............

Front wheel scrubbed back and polished with a scotchpad then masked up ready for paint,....that takes patience.....

But worth it in the end.

Look what I found in the headlight bucket!

Can't be helping my electrical issues, speaking of which, have any brits got guidance on the sidelight issue as there is only high and low on the bars yet I have a sidelight bulb in the headlight unit which looks like it was tee'd into the ignition live, but hard to tell as it all fell apart when I took the 'light shell off.
I could do the same and go with daytime running sidelights using IGN live, but if I feed the rear light it would feed the headlight as well.
I'm not sure where I stand legally on this, i.e what lights I must have for the MOT, so may need to go and see the tester.