I got the shock clevises back from the machine shop, drilled and tapped for 10 mm thread. and 1.5 mm per side removed so they fit on the swingarm bushing properly now. I am glad I got the 350mm shocks it raises the rear a bit, I always found the rear kind of saggy looking on these bikes.
I have the ebay clip-ons on there and kind of in place but nothing really fits nicely and that big dash is just in the way. it might have been nice to have the clip-ons below the top triple but the air equalizer is in the way. at the end of the night I put the 1150e bars on, they only sit about 2 inches higher, and things line up better. so maybe I will put the clip ons away for something else. or try again later if I find a katana dash. or an early gsxr dash.
still waiting on the headlight ears to arrive so I cant really do anything about the wiring. I do have a sh775 and another better fuse box that is going in. going to do a big cleanup under the seat and eliminate some plugs and shorten some wires. need to do some rereading of the single point ground thread.

I am still waiting for another roll of wrap but I wanted to see how this pipe fits. the short answer is not very good. its definitely not made for the bike, but I don't even think it was made for the katana when I ordered it originally. I am very seriously considering lopping off that center stand ear or drastically clearancing it. I was going to take about 6 inches out of that muffler too but it seems to be growing on me the more I look at it. I hated this pipe on my katana I just thought it was way too long, even after I cut about 3 inches out of the mid pipe. but it doesn't seem as long on this bike to me.

I kinda like the way its turning out. what do you guys think? I would love to hear some feedback.
good or bad.
end of the night shot I put the 1150e clip-ons on
