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[boris.h]79 GS 550 / 673cc project

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    I'm pretty sure that the VM 28 and VM 29 will have the same spacing issue as the VM 26s, and ,yes they're both more expensive

    I think the KZ 650 has 24 mm, but I'm not sure of the spacing
    1978 GS 1000 (since new)
    1979 GS 1000 (The Fridge, superbike replica project)
    1978 GS 1000 (parts)
    1981 GS 850 (anyone want a project?)
    1981 GPZ 550 (backroad screamer)
    1970 450 Mk IIID (THUMP!)
    2007 DRz 400S
    1999 ATK 490ES
    1994 DR 350SES


      Yes, I think also that VM24 has the same spacing. If not, it's always possible to change the carbs frame and to put new carbs body on a frame, shaped to have the same space between them..
      So, I have the choice between:
      - VM22 SS (already on my gs 550) --> too small for the gs 650 /550 configuration
      - VM24 SS (It may be possible) --> want to find VM26 / 28 / 29 before choosing them, so not the real good choice
      - VM26 SS --> 26mm is the minimal diameter that I want to put on my new configuration. If they fit, it would be the better choice
      - VM28 SS --> hard to get (and about the price)
      - VM29 SS --> harder to get and to buy than the 28, than the 26....

      Moreover, I like VM carbs, because they don't need a dynojet kit to tune. Needles are directly adjustables, main jets, pilot jets... and I already have a lot of VM parts (main jets, etc)


        Just started today to port my 650 head... a lot of aluminium removed... pictures coming soon..


          Hi everyone
          just recveived today...a beautiful stainless steel 600 gsxr exhaust, that fits perfectly in the 650 head I'll weld wideband threads on each tube...
          just also bought mikuni carbs....
          inside diameter = 34mm
          total lengh = 125mm
          outside diameter, airbox side = 50mm....


            Originally posted by boris.h View Post
            Hi everyone
            just recveived today...a beautiful stainless steel 600 gsxr exhaust, that fits perfectly in the 650 head I'll weld wideband threads on each tube...
            just also bought mikuni carbs....
            inside diameter = 34mm
            total lengh = 125mm
            outside diameter, airbox side = 50mm....
            What year gsxr?


              the old ones, I don't now about the year exactly. I saw someone who put the same full exhaust on his gs, but do not remember where..


                Some news here. I'm working on the 650 head, and all around after having calculated them... The result is that I'm going to have a lot of work on the 650 head!
                Exhaust (the easiest): The exhaust that I've choosen is a gsxr 600 old one..... Tested on my 550, all fits perfectly around the frame and in the 650 head.... the holes pattern is the same, even for the header screws.... The gsxr header I got is all in stainless steel, tubes are very thin so the header is light!
                To permit the best flow between the head and the header, I have to enlarge (a lot) head exhaust holes, from 28mm to...33mm (inside diameter of header tubes).
                That's a picture of a header exhaust hole, work just began, I still have to enlarge it...

                About the air / fuel intake: I managed to get a setof mikuni carbs. I don't know at all on which motorcycle they were on, but I took some dimensions:
                - inside diameter: 34mm
                - outside diameter (boots side): 42mm
                - total lenght : 115mm
                - holes pattern 77 - 93 - 77 mm

                Maybe someone could help me to identify that carbs?

                So I want to adapt those on the 650 head. I'm awaire that I'll have to enlarge the intake holes... no problem with that.

                But I don't know about the boots, I did not find yet the best reference of boots I have to find..
                - On my gs 650, the distance between M6 holes is 68mm
                - the spigot diameter has to be around 42mm

                I'll try to put some pictures of the header soon...


                  Some modifications, some different choices about air/ fuel intake...
                  I managed to exchange my "gs 1000 / 1100" carbs with these ones...

                  I think these are gpz 750 carbs. They have 32mm inside diameter. I think that it will be sufficient and not too small for my project. It will also be easier to adapt throttle cable, the starter does not need any cable, a little cable to help adjusting idle... and they are smaller than the other. It will be easier to put into my bike and allow to put longer pods...
                  I tested them with VM26 boots, they are ok but I have to re-drill my head because VM26 boots have a 60mm fixation holes pattern...and also enlarge inside diameter of VM26 boots because they are 28mm in, I will have to enlarge them to 32mm.
                  Some pictures of the gsxr 600 (98 /99) exhaust:

                  And, still working on the 650 head... more pictures soon..


                    Hi again! Not decided to port again the intake ports to put mikuni's BS34, or keep the BS32... any advice here?


                      Hi everyone
                      Massive update:
                      - head ports finished. I need again to Polish exhaust ports. Lot of work to do on the second combustion chamber, which is ported to remove rust, and valves seats to remove, add welded aluminium, shape again the chamber, put the new seats...
                      I also have some helicoils to put there...
                      - bs32 carbs fully cleaned, brand new now. I have bs 34 but I do not need as big as bs34...

                      When the head will be finished I ll take some pictures.. but the project sound good for February I think so.


                        Nice Looking fleet!


                          Some parts just machined..... as you can see on the picture, 3D printed parts for the prototype is a good way to save a lot of time and money during the design of the parts...

                          Hébergé par Imagesia, le meilleur hébergeur d'images du net !


                            Brought back the head yesterday.... lot of work to do...


                              Well the depth of fabrication you're doing is mind opening. The grinding you're gonna do on that combustion chamber and seat cutting will be interesting. Are you gonna cut the valve seats yourself?
                              1982 GS1100G- road bike
                              1990 GSX750F-(1127cc '92 GSXR engine)
                              1987 Honda CBR600F Hurricane


                                I use to work with a bugattis specialist in south of france (he use to machine some parts for me and I use to make drawings, engineering parts to help him). So I'll follow the new seats cutting....

                                At the end the aime is that all valves seats will be machined


