To be done:
Finish cleaning carbs, reassemble with new jets (adjusted for free flowing exhaust and pod filters)
Take engine out of the frame
Remove broken bolts from the block
Adjust valve shims and replace gasket on valve cover
Clean outside of engine
Paint heat fins? and polish the rest of the engine
Strip everything else off the frame
Weld/affix some sort of tray to fit battery and electrical underneath cafe seat cowl
Detab frame
Have frame and wheels powder coated (thinking red for the frame, black for the wheels. Thoughts?)
Begin reassembling frame
Put engine back in the frame
Install carbs
Reinstall factory electrical system
Start the bike????
Test electrical and assess if the r/r and/or stator need replaced
Presumably install a Shindengen SH-775 r/r
Figure out a clean looking solution for the exhaust
Re-jet carb to match new exhaust
See if brakes need replaced, flush fluid, stainless brake lines
Replace ghetto hard tail with real shocks in the rear
Decide if steering bearing and fork seals need replaced
Replace front headlight, turn signals, handlebars, and gauges
Mill off handlebar bracket IF i go with clip ons
Fiberglass seat
Paint seat and gas tank, clean out inside of gas tank
Figure out how to make padding/upholstery for the seat
Oil change, possibly new chain, sprockets if necessary (I hope not)
I have a lot of work ahead of me, and I know I'll have a lot of questions. I'm looking forward to learning from everyone here on the forum and contributing to other projects wherever I can.
