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1978 GS550E Project Mo

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    1978 GS550E Project Mo

    So one of my best friends is leaving the army in a few months and comming home after 5 long years. So this morning we found his first motorcycle:

    Attached Files
    Last edited by cloudbreakmd; 03-12-2016, 03:59 PM.
    2010 Honda VFR1200F
    1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
    Being Revisited
    1981 Honda CM400T


    2010 Honda VFR1200F
    1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
    Being Revisited
    1981 Honda CM400T


      For $200 we couldn't say no. We pick it up tomorow.
      2010 Honda VFR1200F
      1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
      Being Revisited
      1981 Honda CM400T


        Looks like a fun project. Those 550E's are great bikes!

        To measure is to know.

        Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...

        Top Newbie Mistakes thread...

        Carb rebuild tutorial...

        KZ750E Rebuild Thread...


          I have a feeling I'll be learning how to replace/adjust points soon... The cover was off when we got there but he included it sans the screws.
          2010 Honda VFR1200F
          1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
          Being Revisited
          1981 Honda CM400T


            What I see it needs so far:
            • Carb rebuild
            • Carb clamps
            • Carb manifold o-rings
            • Points
            • Condensers
            • Fluids
            • Battery
            • Cleaning
            • Tires (old ones seem hard)
            • Spark plugs and air filter
            • Rear caliper (seized)

            Ofcourse there will be more but I'll update this thread as I go along.
            2010 Honda VFR1200F
            1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
            Being Revisited
            1981 Honda CM400T


              What a fabulastastic bike !
              Hope the project goes well as the bikes are simply superb. I love em.
              the ideal size for short cruising about.

              Get her going tuned and slick first i would ! Then decide o n how far down you wanna go on the renovation.
              try electronic ignition ? (i expect the experts on here will know how , what , where for that)
              Owner of following bikes:
              1980 Suzuki GS550ET
              1977 Yamaha RD 250D
              1982 Kawasaki GPZ 750 R1
              1980 Suzuki GSX 250E


                Good deal, looks like a perfect project bike.


                  Originally posted by cloudbreakmd View Post
                  For $200 we couldn't say no. We pick it up tomorow.
                  Originally posted by Nessism View Post
                  Looks like a fun project. Those 550E's are great bikes!
                  Originally posted by ukjules View Post
                  What a fabulastastic bike !
                  Hope the project goes well as the bikes are simply superb. I love em.
                  the ideal size for short cruising about.
                  Yep, yep and yep. A bit weak in the midrange, but that can be fixed. Other than that they are great bikes, my favorite of all the GS line.

                  Life is too short to ride an L.


                    Originally posted by ukjules View Post
                    What a fabulastastic bike !
                    Hope the project goes well as the bikes are simply superb. I love em.
                    the ideal size for short cruising about.

                    Get her going tuned and slick first i would ! Then decide o n how far down you wanna go on the renovation.
                    try electronic ignition ? (i expect the experts on here will know how , what , where for that)
                    Getting it running is my first priority. It has to be safe. There was one caveat with this purchase... No title. So I have to get my buddy to take care of that before we dump too much into the bike.
                    2010 Honda VFR1200F
                    1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
                    Being Revisited
                    1981 Honda CM400T


                      Well I have ordered a few parts:
                      Carburetor Clamps
                      Intake Manifold O-rings
                      Stainless hardware
                      Oil Filter

                      I happen to have a spare AGM battery that I pulled out of my GS750T (I wonder if it will fit). I still need to pick some carburetor cleaner and oil. The engine kicks right over so no worries there. More updates and pictures to follow as I get the parts in.
                      2010 Honda VFR1200F
                      1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
                      Being Revisited
                      1981 Honda CM400T


                        Well I took the carbs off the bike... It was funny, the last owner mentioned they had replaced the carbs. I thought he meant rebuilt/cleaned.

                        No... They appear to be NOS Well the were before they sat with gas in them for the last few years. Surprisingly though they are in great shape.
                        2010 Honda VFR1200F
                        1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
                        Being Revisited
                        1981 Honda CM400T



                          Oh yeah...they were yummy inside. Cylinders one and two were the worst ofcourse and the other two were relatively clean (sans the bowls).
                          2010 Honda VFR1200F
                          1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
                          Being Revisited
                          1981 Honda CM400T


                            Well the bike is running now. It still needs some fine tuning but otherwise sounds good. I still need to replace the points and put in an air filter. The old foam disintegrated as soon as I touched it.
                            2010 Honda VFR1200F
                            1983 Suzuki GS750T (sold)
                            Being Revisited
                            1981 Honda CM400T

