This is the bike as I got it. It hasn't been cleaned our anything yet.
It seems that everyone makes a thread to document their progress on building/rebuilding/restoring their bikes. I figured why should I be any different. I bought a running 1981 GS1100E from 100+ miles away. The PO said he has been riding it and he rode it to the meeting place. after an inspection, discussing the bike and her history I bought a rideable but less than perfect bike for a little south of a grand which isn't bad for this neck of the woods.
She had a replacement right frame cover (I found out why when I dropped the same cover and it got run over by a car. )
There is a hole in the V&H muffler but the headers looks solid
The front end needs a little work, very little dampening but not too much sag to drive for now.
Reported new stator and carb rebuilds by a shop 2 years ago. (no reason to not believe it)
also, a new petcock around the same time.
I'll use this thread to document what I do to her to get it truly road worthy and any little improvements or mods, beyond road worthiness, I make.
I plan on doing this a little differently than I've seen on the site to date. I'll create a number of replies to my own thread with each general area to keep a running list of the alterations I need/make in each area.