Background, I collected a 85 GS1150EF in pretty complete and clean condition. Was told it hasn't run in 12 yrs. Came from a out of a closed down bike shop (owner passed). No records. No history. Got it home and started to tear it down a bit, get past the fairings. It had been dumped at some point in its life. Right side. Broken mirror, some scuffing on upper fairing, some scuffing on lower fairing, busted a piece of the engine that the right side cover bolts to. Though I found it odd that the cover is in tact and it took at piece of the surrounding material out with one of the little bolts, I don't believe the integrity of electronic ignition assembly was compromised. Someone had mucked with the harness apparently so had to reroute most of the wiring harness but got it all sorted and it lit up as it should.
I cleaned the tank, cleaned the petcock, cleaned the carbs, squirted oil in the cylinders and moved them manually to make sure they weren't seized, new plugs (and I have spark in all four), have fuel in carbs, and vacuum line connected to petcock, new fully charged battery, clutch in, full choke, no throttle, push start button and just cranks...... pulled plugs, appears no fuel getting to plugs I suspect. Checked valves, only 2 tight out of 16, made the adjustment so that shouldn't be an issue.
Could there have been some disruption on that elec. ign. behind the right cover? If so, shouldn't it still start but run rough?
Any thoughts?