I've done a little over 1000 miles now since the top end rebuild. At around 800 miles I re-torqued the bolts. Head bolts were OK, only needed a little tweak. The cam cover bolts were a little loser but no drama.
I did however notice I'd lost a couple of bolts from the exhaust header clamps. No surprise really, a few of the bolts seemed like they were only just holding as I guess the threads are quite worn. So I've bought a heli-coil kits, but for now I've tightened up what's left and the clamps seem to be holding with a single bolt.
On the whole been loving the rider though.
Now last night this happened:
No I've not done fork seals before, on the last bike I had to do them on I removed the forks and sent the off to the shop. But at that time I hadn't ever done a head gasket either so I'm a lot more confident now.
So I know it's a simple enough task and won't take long but while the forks are off I think I'll take the opportunity to update the springs and potentially look at refitting without the air gap. But I'll post a separate thread about that.
I also might paint the fork legs. They're currently polished, but not highly polished so quite dull anyway and I'm not a great lover of cleaning and polishing to the extremes so painted forks would be a bit lower maintenance. So I need to work out which colour would look good.
On the plus side, with the front end out the way it's going to give be much better access to those exhaust threads!
More to follow as the story progresses.