nice shiny tank w/no dents and a very nice interior, solid exhaust w/no rust, nice fork tubes and the seat has just one 1/2inch tear. hooked up a battery from the 750 and all electrics work, with spark on all four - happy 'bout that. brand new shinkos installed in 2009 are still pliable, am on the edge about tossing them. bike last inspected in 2012.
i'll strip the forks, swingarm, wheels and brakes for a full refresh and bearings as needed, then clean the carbs and see what i run into. does need steering head bearings, has stuck calipers and an oil leak at either the valve cover or tach seal. those will both be replaced when valve clearances are checked. also, the rear tire needs a re-mount, as it's off-center.
i've already downloaded the service manual from cliffs's site, and think i'll dive into the head bearings first, then brakes, then wheel bearings. oh, needs carb-to-airbox rubbers too, they're pretty much hard plastic.
think i'll be getting rid of the accessories but not sure. chrome on the windscreen, luggage rack/backrest and crashbar all needs a little buff with fine steel wool and they'll look great.
bob p