She standard including the rear air ride suspension, rear rack, crash bars. She is missing her side panel and tank decals but I do have new replacements, just got to find a painter who can put them on plus laquer the tank to cover them up.
I rode her till 2010 when the head gasket started spewing oil from the cam chain tunnel and also from the near side pinch bolt area. She wasn't smoking and pulled like a train so it was just a small job of pulling the head and a new gasket.
Well things got in the way. I have a GSF1200, so I had a ride, kids growing up, etc etc the GS got pushed to the back of the garage.
A few more modern bikes have joined the stable, namely two RF900RS2's that needed more urgent work and that has now been done so I want to get the GS1000 running and back on the UK roads.
'Hampshire Hog' tried to help when he picked up my GS1000S a few years back but the fork bottoms Allen bolts were rounded. It's not an excuse but a reason why its been put off and not been done. Add in the fear of the barrels moving so I'd have to put a new base gasket on her. Add then a new set of rings at £125 a piston, the whole job started to add up. For something that was fun to ride on dry UK days it was way too expensive. So of course she's just sat and been left.
Life's moved on. I have time and spare money and no projects that are urgent so its the GS's time.
Last time I changed a head gasket on one of these was in 1983 so it's been a while. Saying that I did do my GS(X)1100ESD full engine rebuild back in 2006.....

Concerned that the exhaust bolts won't come out or worse still they will shear off. I'm concerned that the small outer bolts will be solid in the aluminium and also the cam chain tunnel bolt will be seized solid. I mean it's not been apart since 1981...... Lots of lubrication and a heat gun may help plus taking my time.
I'm a 'Standard' kind of guy so don't expect any frills or big bore kits. It will come apart stock and go back together as close to stock as I can get it.
Suzuki Boy.