Grateful for your views on this; i don't think there is a right or wrong answer so i am very much interested in your informed views.
For those that i have not already had comms with since joining the Forum, i am out in Saudi Arabia, i bought a project bike when home on Christmas leave but due to courier delays i have not actually seen the bike yet as it was delivered home after i returned to Saudi.
The guy i bought the bike from is a serious project bike guy who had too many live projects and an impending house move - i kinda know him via a friend on the Facebook "Shed built motorcycle". You will see from the picture that he had started the frame build with the intention of making a cafe racer and that following welding the hoop at the back of the frame and then painted the frame.
This leads to my question.. as the bike is already torn down should i have the frame powder coated or leave it just painted. While new to the project scene my initial thoughts are to rebuild the bike first and get it running, the tank will need work regardless and i am sure some other things will be a challenge. However, to my simple mind i think if i rebuild and get the bike running then i can tear down again and work on the cosmetics.
I am not clear on final colour schemes yet hence my hesitation about committing to a powder coat colour that could drive me down a particular route (excuse the pun).
So....your thoughts. Hopefully a fun discussion too

Oh and here's the frame and some other pictures of the bike in bits

You can see the state of the tank (aesthetically not mechanical integrity) in the last picture.