Meet: the Michio Zombie, a 1979 GS850G resurrected from the dead.
It started with a Craigslist ad with this picture:
A non-running, but garaged for the last 6 years GS. Nearly complete, new tires, clutch cable, sparkys, ignition switch, battery, petcock and a whole lot of character for less than .$75 a CC. I wanted this bike! The ad had a map and after I quickly wrote an email to the seller, I threw a ramp in the truck, a few hundred bucks in my sock (I had just sold a bike and was cashy) and headed out to try to find it. The map had me looking in a trailer park in town and after dodging mangy dogs and prying eyes for the better part of an hour, I gave up. No classic GS in sight. I headed home defeated, hoping this would be an easy buy. I pointed the truck home and after 5 minutes, decided to slow my roll and grab a cup of coffee. While sipping the hot black stuff in the parking lot, my phone pinged an email ping. It was the seller! She wrote a descriptive and nicely worded email answering my questions about the bike (title in-hand!). She could meet that afternoon. And...the map was wrong, bike was not located there. OK! Long story longer, I was the first on the scene, cash in hand and swooped it up before anyone knew better.
First things first. Clean it up. Here she is stripped down a bit getting a good bath
After the clean, I tried to start 'er up. Gas was leaking everywhere! I thought maybe I would get lucky and have a runner on my hands, but it was obvious that this bike was going to need a thorough going-through.
Pull the carbs and drain the fluids:
Pull the carbs apart and give them a bath