I'm going to throw a few pictures in here and then at the bottom I'll throw together a list of everything I remember doing/new parts that went on. Hope you enjoy!

List of rebuilt stuff/parts in no particular order
-replaced stator
-replaced rectifier/regulator
-rebuilt carbs (still giving me a little trouble with leaks while petcock is set to anything besides on, no idea why)
-new petcock
-new fuel line
-replaced factory bars with a set from TCbros that are a little more comfortable and stylish
-2 stage paint job done myself (if this wasn't already apparent from orange peel)
-repainted calipers
-new caliper pistons and seals on front and rear
-Installed full OHA stainless brakeline kit
-repainted parts of frame
-new tach cable
-replaced valve shims and corrected clearances
-new valve cover, cam cap seals, and breather gasket from Realgaskets out of Tennessee (highly recommend them)
-new fuel cap as the old one had a bad tumbler and wouldn't seal righ
-repainted cylinder head
-new hella horns (work intermittently, very loud when they do, might be a grounding issue?)
-new throttle cable
-new front master brake cylinder
-Biltwell thruster grips
-new fork seals and dust cap, went with 15 weight fork oil
-new carb boots
-countless hours spent cleaning chrome and metal parts with citric acid
-new tires front and rear (rear was 17 years old, yikes.)
-EBC organic pads on the front, semi-sintered on the rear.
-Oil change
-Final drive oil change
-new battery
I think that's most of it, but I'm sure there's a couple I missed. Bike runs great, just need to sort out the manageable but annoying issues with the carbs, get the last of the air out of the front brake lines, and figure out why on earth the tach cable is whining.
Fun, long, frustrating, rewarding project. Just waiting for a nice day to take it on it's maiden voyage through the Minnesota River valley.