The bikes are a 1980 Red Suzuki GS450S and a 1981 Silver Suzuki GS450S. They were sold to us by the original owners who bought them when they were younger as his & hers bikes, but have been sitting since about the 90's or so. The red one was unfortunately stored both indoors and outdoors during its lifetime and is going to need significant work done to it, including either an engine rebuild or replacement. The silver one was luckily stored inside for its entire life, so aside from some dryness, corrosion/rust, and some gummed up fuel/oil, it seems all in all decent functional condition.
The goal with both of these bikes is to first and foremost get them running. We intend to get the silver one up and running first so that my significant other can learn to ride and practice on. Once she feels comfortable riding, we will begin the full restoration process of getting everything cleaned up and repainted. Given how much work the red one is going to need to it, I fully intend this to primarily be a winter project and to pull the engine from the chassis to work on tearing it down to see what all is needed. The goal with the red one is the restore it a majority of the way to original, then potentially shift it slightly into a scrambler style build. I also fully expect both of these to take a significant amount of time to complete. But, luckily we've already made some good headway, learned a lot, and even had a good amount of frustration (mostly in sourcing parts!).
It has been quite awhile since I have posted on a forum, let alone keep track of a project with updates and pictures. So I hope you'll follow along, but also be patient with how irregular my updates may be. If interested in getting an update on the project and I haven't posted in awhile let me know below!
I'm incredibly excited to begin working on these and taking on a project that I've never been through before.