I'll post one photo here - mostly as a place holder and to give some context to later photos as I progress on this thing.
This is the GS in question, made up in a corvette bronze color and wearing an HD Roadster seat. Not sure if this will be the final seat choice, but I know it won't be the bone stock seat.
Lots of work to do, but I hope it is mostly maintenance. I'll probably start by getting it running. I expect to be looking for lifter shims on the shim exchange forum soon. I'll also be looking at the rebuilding of brake caliper advice here and on Bikecliff's site. The current flavor of brake fluid is chocolate milk. Once those are done, I'll work on putting the parts in the basket (now on the garage floor) back on the bike.
All the while, keeping track of the parts I need, the parts I want and the accessories to keep me comfortable while riding.
Finally, I will reiterate my ask of you tall riders. What have you done to be comfortable on a smaller GS? I'm 6'4" and would like to ride this smaller bike without curling into a small ball or wanting to curl into the fetal position when I get off. In particular, I have bad knees so I have to be able to stretch out a bit. I am also an avid road bicyclist, so I'm used to quite a bit of road time.
Thanks all - Adamdaz