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Union Grove WI. 6-1-11 Racing
Yes Snell is required and yes they do check... otherwise things are laid back till you hit 9.99. Then it gets a little serious. Also if you go over 120 mph, leather pants are required. They also frown on mesh jackets... has to be leather. And bring over the ankle boots and some kind of gloves.
Curtsigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On
looking better every run you do.
what a total GAS!! 'eh?
I didn't know you were recording that day. The announcer comments on how you improved, and how much you move around in the groove.
Tomorrow Wed 6-15 we're there and Thursday 6-23 for special points! Winner gets free entry all next year. new deal for every other THURS! Got my new trailer all tooled up and ready to do some on site tunning. Look for the black 6X12 with tinkerbell stickers on it.GSR's all welcome at my pit site.
I think the video shows what we were talking about during the launch and first 2 seconds, but what is the brake light doing ? are you dragging a brake? it takes practice to accellerate efficiently.
btw Super Trish sure looks good on video.SUZUKI , There is no substitute
I wanted to come see you, but I got delayed 12 hours in the airport. I had to fly to Atlanta and then Drive to San Diego. There was no time to spare which really sucked. I was planning on calling and meeting up with you... Maybe next time. I got $150.00 travel voucher from United because they screwed up my plans. If I get a break from work, I am coming back out...
Curtsigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On