PM'd ya michael_444
No announcement yet.
Union Grove WI. 6-1-11 Racing
I am hoping to be there tomorrow. I will be working on it tomorrow morning to put the slick,struts,wheelie bars and other assorted stuff on again. I plan on leaving for the track about 5 p.m. from Fox Lake... Call if you are going to show up...847-334-1688
Curtsigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On
In case anyone is watching this thread.... I am going to Great Lakes next Thursday for the last time of the season. I adjusted the wheelie bars and it tracks a lot better. My buddy that races a Bandit is going also. So for the guys that wanted to meet us up there, Thursday is the day. Let me know if you are going so we can keep an eye out for you. Trip??? Are you done with your stuff so you can make it? Let me know...
Curtsigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On
maybe,... maybe not
rapid ray / suzuki ray is sending me some parts.. I have a transmission issue
S.R.T. Pro Bike Championship is nearly in our pocket-- for REAL!!!!
I may just show and run 13's on 'ol yeller streetie and take a riding game picture or two
boogedy boogedy boogedy we're racing boys!!SUZUKI , There is no substitute
Will the parts show up in time? If not, you can ride the es if you want. I got the callywampusing all over the track fixed... Wheelie bar was set to push me left... The weather is going to be perfect... Another bud with a 9 second car is coming also...sigpic'85 GS1150 1428 14-1 200+hp Hang On
we're a GSR team
most excellent!! Ray you are directly related to my success this year !!!
I must give you a very sincere and public THANK YOU! (X 10)
Curt that is a very pretty package-- but I'd have so many questions before driving to Kentucky (as a banjo is quietly playing)
who built it? when was it built? what are the quality of the welds? has it been wrecked? are the braking systems included? is the outboard bearing plate included? are the wheels true and undented? how old are the tires? how much does it weigh? what is the wheel base? does it ride true and straight? how long is the wheel base? who made the wheelie bars? what kind of chain and sprockets ? are they included? are all the engine mounting plates and bolts included? is there anything special needed to pop an engine in and ride it? single battery box or dual - for self starting? does it have a backbone tank or is it a bolt on? is the fuel tap included? are there any electrical switches included? is the throttle twister included? what type of air shifter does it have? where is the air tank? does it hold pressure for extended periods of time? is the comp.air fill port included? is the special shifting mechanism included? will he include the outboard starter cart?
boy can I ask me some questions 'eh? AND I HAVE MORE but just like BEER there are more bad examples out there than good ones no matter what the packaging looks like.
See,... you are going to have to find out a few of the important/dangerous things the hard way -test riding it yourself since you can't see it run down the track -- BTW YES I'll do the most dangerous first shake down testing rides if you likeThen we'll work on getting you a real license!! You are definitely going to want to go faster with a rocket like that.
Shoot, it seems as if he is trying to get retail pricing out of used parts on a title-less, engine-less dinosaur..
it looks spectacular in the pictures and would be very very cool
I see the current trend is going to no-bar 68"~70" D.O.T. tyre equipped psuedo street bike index racing. 10:50/9:50/8:90- pro tree and throwing a lever. I'm nearly done with a new bike to meet the 2WS index rules for next year.
$2500 is half way to a competitive hayabusa and they run low 9's without a trailer full of tools/equipment.
what ever you choose I'll helpSUZUKI , There is no substitute
Originally posted by bellucci View PostYea Ray... When you get bored, look on Dragbike under racebikes. I am looking at a roller with a Beasley body and no engine. Its red and silver......Your thoughts? I am thinking of pulling the motor out of mine and stuffing it in that bike..
Curt, the thing I notice right off the bat is that the wheelbase is about 4 inches short for that body. Looks like it has a few good parts on it but for that money I would expect the electricals too. Like Jeff said, ask the guy a LOT of questions! Ray.
2011 points season is ending
Ok it is the last weekend of GLD points!! boy is it cold out! I hope a bunch of bikes and sleds show up. This time of year is when wearing your leathers is nice.
I got the transmission back in. stock modified pro-cut 5 speed all kill unit.. Changed the gear ratio to 15-46. and leaned out the needles.. I can 2 step below 4K- finally. Probably should have sunk the needles weeks ago.(full lean) 17.5/145 rs36
I'm leaving the slipper clutch tune alone and we are gonna do the best we can to get grip of the track... c'mon TOYO all we need is a few more laps, 6 psi and long 'ol smoky burn outs
there is a party after eliminations tomorrow!!
as always, all are welcomeSUZUKI , There is no substitute